The danger of regulating venture capitalist firms

OPINION: "Is Silicon Valley a Systemic Risk?" by James Freeman, Wall Street Journal, 9 April 2009.
A warning against Treasury deciding to treat large venture capital funds as being the equivalent of hedge funds--namely, the chill effect on innovation and start-ups.
Sarbannes-Oxley was a real mess of regulation that burdened U.S. companies unduly. Extending that sort of stultifying control over Silicon Valley will come back to haunt us.
Gist: These are not overleveraged plays that generate systemic risk.
Reader Comments (2)
This will distort capital investment and when distortions are caused in the market, bubbles are created.
This is a dangerous path for free enterprise. I find it very hard to accept that very intelligent people can't see this for what it is. A command economy in the making.