Tom around the web

Got a fair number of links from Tom's HASC testimony:
+ Small Wars Journal linked Tom's testimony today.
+ The Custodian over at Information Dissemination also talked about the hearing (in addition to Galrahn).
+ Made Tom the quote of the day
+ New Wars linked this week's column.
+ BrothersJudd Blog linked Twelve steps to a new grand strategy and Redefining America's global role.
+ TurcoPundit also linked Twelve steps to a new grand strategy.
+ Bernard Finel responds to Tom's Selling ice boxes to eskimos.
+ HG's WORLD linked last week's column.
+ David Axe linked My own personal 5GW dream.
+ Test Information Space promoted GP.
+ Korea Times reprinted 'Threat of Great Power War Recedes'.
+ ShrinkWrapped linked Don't panic, Beginning to see how far we'll end up going on AFPAK, Good Obama foreign policy, bad Obama foreign policy and Payback on our stupidity.
+ Verus Politics: Truth and Reason posted about GP, following up on Tom's discussions with Hugh.
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