Index to Great Powers

Abizaid, John, 264, 287
Abolition movement, U.S., 92-93
Abortion controversy, 394-95
Abundance, 387-90, 394, 398-99; religions and, 392
Acheson, Dean, 130, 136, 138, 139, 142
Activism, social, 406
Adams, John, 82, 100, 101
Adams, John Quincy, 92, 101
Adaptation, Americans and, 320
Afghanistan, 52, 198, 232; and al Qaeda, 48
Africa, 195, 206; China and, 191-92, 302; fake states, 198, 201; foreign aid, 192; integration of, 248; maritime space, 346; Salafist movement, 286; sub-Saharan, 50; USAID programs, 281
African Union, 243
Africa's Silk Road (World Bank), 205
AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), 286-93, 302; Congress and, 460n
Agency for International Development, U.S. (USAID), 279
Aging populations, 190, 371, 407-8, 449n
Agricultural production, early U.S., 85
Agricultural subsidies, 10, 313
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 17, 216, 380
Air Force, U.S., 275
Air power, American, use of, 34
Air-traffic control, 345
al Qaeda. See Qaeda, al
Alabama, 90
Albright, Madeleine K., 220, 453n
Alcoholics Anonymous, twelve steps, 436n
Alien and Sedition Acts, 82
Alliances, international, 63, 68-70, 238-44; service-oriented, 244-51
America, 1-4, 74, 78-80, 85, 370-74, 421-22; capitalism in, 175-76; and globalization, 37-38, 415; immigrants, 372-74; international standing, 36-37, 163; and oil production, 379-81; as pacifying force, 375; public support of Middle East situation, 56; and religion, 375, 390-92, 395-96; strategic alliances, 61, 68-70; trade deficit with China, 169
American companies, Asia and, 189-90
American System, 80-89, 203, 326, 422; China and, 167-68, 172-73; economic institutions, 135-36; global economy and, 161-64, 178-79; globalization and, 2, 4, 38-72, 78-80, 111-16, 125, 144-59, 301, 302-8, 364, 368-69, 372, 398; Lincoln and, 94, 100; and middle class, 205; Theodore Roosevelt and, 107-8; transfer of, 188
Americanism, 98-100, 102, 127
Americanization, globalization as, 246
Americans, 73, 158; and globalization, 182-84, 295, 320, 376-77
Amistad revolt, 92
Anbar "awakening," 28, 55-56
Anglosphere colonies, 189
Anti-Americanism, 17, 232; Iran and, 55
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 14, 149
Anti-Federalists, 81, 84
Antiglobalization, 325-26
Antiquities Act, 107
Arabs, and Treaty of Versailles, 121
ARAMCO (Arabian American Oil Co.), 335
Arbatov, Georgi, 154
Arbitrationism, 117
Archilochus, 70
Architecture, 245
Army, U.S., 269, 275; and war, 264-65; and westward expansion, 277. See also Military, U.S.
Army Advisory Corps, 283
Artificial states, 196-201
Asia: and automobile industry, 403; capitalism in, 189; cultural wars, 114; fake states, 197, 200-201; and global economy, 76; and global warming, 361-62; infrastructure development, 320-21; middle-class growth, 375; Muslims in, 51; oil demand, 380-82; Persian Gulf oil, 224
"Asia After Viet Nam" (Nixon), 151
Asians, in America, 370
Assassination of American presidents, 106
Asymmetrical warfare, 252-53, 427
Atlantic Charter, 128, 152
Australia, 187; anti-Americanism in, 17
Authoritarian capitalism, 184, 270
Authoritarian regimes, and terrorism, 67-68
Automobiles, 382-83, 403
Ayittey, George, 195
Baby boomer generation, 39-41, 42, 160, 420
Bacevich, Andrew, 456n
Baghdad, 260; Petraeus and, 28
Baker, James, 62, 178
Bamboo network, 194
Bank of the United States, 87, 88
Banking industry, China, 173
Barbary Coast pirates, 82
Barnett, Thomas P. M., 100-101, 297-98; adopted daughter, 310-11; Blueprint for Action, 43, 343; "The Monks of War," 268; The Pentagon's New Map, 343
Barnett family, 100
Barone, Michael, 373
Bates, Edward, 94
Battle of New Orleans, 91
Baumol, William, 175-77
Beckstrom, Rod, 318
Beijing Consensus, 185-86
Beijing Olympics (2008), 174
Berlin Airlift, 116, 124, 136
Berlin Wall, fall of, 156
Big Bang strategy, 10-11, 26, 61, 62, 427-28; Iran and, 217
"Big firm" capitalism, 175, 176
Big-war forces, 252-53, 255; and counterinsurgency, 283-84
Bilateral treaties, 57, 206
Bill of Rights, British, 80
bin Laden, Osama, 51, 183, 272; goal of, 379
Biological weapons, 404-5
Biotechnology, 312
Bipartisanship, 39-42, 120-22
Birthrates, European, 371
Black globalization, 306
Black Swan, The (Taleb), 305-6
Blackwater, 278-79, 359
Blueprint for Action (Barnett), 43, 343
Bolshevik Revolution, 113
Boot, Max, 271, 278
Borders of states, and economies, 196
Borgwardt, Elizabeth, 119, 128, 152
"Bottom billion," 196, 197, 285, 451n; globalization and, 200-201
Bottom of the pyramid, selling to, 202-4, 324
Bound Together (Chanda), 240
Boyd, John, 15, 289
Brafman, Ori, 318
Brave New War (Robb), 304-5
Brazil, 85
Bremer, Paul, 259
Bremmer, Ian, 173, 210, 222
Bretton Woods Agreements, 120, 126, 130, 135
Brezhnev, Leonid, 149, 152, 154-55
"BRIC" quartet (Brazil, Russia, India, China), 167
Brownstein, Ronald, 39
Buffett, Warren, 40
Bush, George H. W., 71, 156-57, 220-21
Bush, George W., 70-72, 129, 134-35, 226-27, 237, 353; Big Bang strategy, 427-28; and China, 8-9; and foreign aid, 42-43; foreign policy reversals, 58-60; Hurricane Katrina and, 358, 359; and Saddam Hussein, 215-16; and Iraq war, 52-53; Rice and, 22
Bush-Cheney administration, 2-3, 65-66, 122, 136, 227; and Africa, 286; and Iran, 218; and Iraq, 53-54; sins of, 5-7, 12-35; and U.S. military, 232, 270; virtues of, 7-12
Business, infrastructure for, 337-38
Business trust, climate of, 194
BusinessWeek, 191
Buyer chains, 205
Canada, 187
Cantor Fitzgerald, 361-62
Capitalism, 175-77, 189, 303, 410; American, 107, 109; American-style, 375; authoritarian, 270; in China, 167; civil liberties and, 68; globalization of, 11, 104, 187-96; institutionalization of, 135; politics and, 113
Capitalist powers, league of, 239-44
Carnegie, Andrew, 40, 104
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 111
Carson, Iain, 403
Carson, Kit, 277
Carter, Jimmy, 71, 109
Casualties: Iraq, 53-54, 260, 261; World War II, 124
Catherine II the Great of Russia, 81
Cedar Revolution, Lebanon, 26
Central Command, U.S., in Djibouti, 286-87
Central government, early views, 84-86
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 130; and Soviet threat, 434n
Central planning of economy, 144-45, 153
Cerf, Vint, 294
Chalabi, Ahmed, 23, 24
Chanda, Nayan, 240, 308
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, 262
Change: Americans and, 320; globalization and, 297, 298-99, 399-412; grand strategy and, 351; social, religion and, 392
Character, national, 395
Charm Offensive (Kurlantzick), 234-35
Chase, Salmon, 94
Ch√°vez, Hugo, 380
"Cheetah" generation, Africa, 195
Chen Shui-bian (President of Taiwan), 8, 33
Chen Yun, 165
Cheney, Dick, 19, 22, 60, 257. See also Bush-Cheney administration
Chernow, Ron, 86-87
Chicago World's Fair (1893), 102
China, 41, 86, 87, 114, 118, 241-42, 398; and Africa, 191-92, 195-96, 286, 302, 366; and automobile industry, 403; demographics, 181, 183, 190, 449n; diet improvement, 311-12; economy, 146-47, 162-63, 164-87, 189, 308; emigrants, 370; and environment, 383-85; and fake states, 200; foreign relations, 61, 123, 240-41; and Gap regions, 205-6; globalization and, 236-37, 363-64; ideological threat, 232-33; infrastructure development, 321-22; Internet, 300-302, 318; and Middle East, 62, 217; military force, 45, 223-25; and missile defense, 14-15; nationalism, 393; Nixon and, 151-52; and oil production, 224, 382; soft power strategy, 234-37; tainted products, 309; and U.S., 8-9, 33, 69-70, 269-71, 375, 393-94; vulnerability, 305; Wolfowitz Doctrine and, 13
China Shakes the World (Kynge), 170
Chinese Revolution, 116
Christianity, American, 391
Churchill, Winston, 117, 119, 123, 128
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 130; and Soviet threat, 434n
CIC (Council on Islamic Courts), 288
Cities, nineteenth century, 105
Citizens, rights of, 80
Civil liberties, 67-68
Civil Operations, Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS), 255
Civil rights movement, U.S., 39
Civil War, U.S., 88, 90, 94-96, 101, 114, 276
Civilian workers, military and, 341
CJTF-HOA (Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa), 287-92
Clark, Gregory, 398
Class structure, global, 411-12
Clay, Henry, 70, 87-89, 94, 101, 157
Clements, Kendrick, 119, 120, 121
Clifford, Clark, 138
Climate change. See Global warming
Clinton, Bill, 43, 71, 220
Clinton, DeWitt, 94
Clinton, Hillary, 354
Clinton administration, 237
Coal, Chinese imports, 170
Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq (CPA), 259, 260, 263
Coast Guard, U.S., 87
Cody, William "Buffalo Bill," 277
Cohen, Eliot, 261
COIN. See Counterinsurgency
Colbert, Stephen, 20
Cold War, 116, 124-25, 136-37, 140, 276, 377; American System and, 78-79; capitalism and, 188; containment policy, 134, 138; economy and, 109, 144-46; end of, 47, 71, 98, 166; OSCE and, 61-62; outcome of, 147
Collective intelligence, 317
Collier, Paul, 192, 196, 197, 285, 325-26, 333
Colonial system, change of, 133-34
Colonialism, 397-98, 400; and borders of states, 196-97; capitalism and, 187-88
Colonization, globalization and, 112-13
COLs (contingency operating locations), 288
Commercial expansionism, 84
Commitment, 65-66
Commodity prices, global, China and, 170
Communication networks, security of, 44
Communications: global, 405-6, 428; technologies, 63
Communism, China and, 172
Communist movement, international, 149-50
Communities of practice, 336
Competition: globalization and, 37-38; religious, 396
Confederate States, 94-95. See also Civil War, U.S.
Congress, U.S., 29, 344; and AFRICOM, 460n; and Chinese military, 224-25; and counterinsurgency, 275; and Department of Everything Else, 292; and Native Americans, 277; Truman and, 132-33; Wilson and, 120-21
Congressional Government (Wilson), 120
Connectivity, 60, 64-65, 303, 428; economic, 68, 349, 394; global, 305; globalization and, 16, 17, 38, 201-2, 205, 206; lack of, 248; and status of women, 47
Conservation movement, Theodore Roosevelt and, 107-8
Conservatism, social, 406
Constitution, U.S., 81-82
Consumption: American, 38; global changes, 400-401
Containment strategy, 138, 144
Contemporary Operating Environment, 266
Cool It (Lomborg), 364
Coolidge, Calvin, 119
Cooper, James Fenimore, 353
Copenhagen Consensus project, 362-63
CORDS (Civil Operations, Revolutionary Development Support), 255
Core regions, 43; globalization and, 295; networks of, 302, 305-7
Corporate scandals, 104-5
Corruption, 104-5; China and, 173-74
Cotton production, 85, 93, 440n
Council on Foreign Relations, 111
Counterinsurgency, 271-76; global, 303; goal of, 290; outsourcing of, 279-80; privatization of, 279-80; U.S. military and, 55-56, 263-64, 283-84
Counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine, 30
Counterinsurgency Field Manual, 30, 268, 269, 271-73, 275-76, 281, 283, 289-90, 459n
Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam (Nagl), 268
Counterinsurgency Warfare (Galula), 274-75, 279
Counterparties, economy and, 334-35
Counterterrorism, 345
CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq), 259, 260, 263
Crane, Conrad, 268
Creativity: legislative, 39; revolution and, 40
Crisis, culture and, 352-53
Croatians, 198-99
Crook, George, 277
Cuban Missile Crisis, 148
Cultural identity, globalization and, 48, 64-65
Cultural Revolution, China, 152, 174
Culture: American, immigration and, 372-73; crisis and, 352-53; globalization and, 356-57, 379
Currency, paper, 97
Customs Service, U.S., 87
Dairy products, 311-12
Dangerous Nation (Kagan), 82-84, 423
Darfur, 32, 366; China and, 196; ICC and, 58
de las Casas, Gustavo, 229
Deal-making, 60, 334-35
DeAngelis, Stephen, 327-30, 332, 335, 338-39
Decolonization, after World War II, 134
Dedication, 65-66
Defense, security and, 347
Defense Department, U.S., 44-46, 63, 130, 281-82, 284-85
Defense Planning Guidance (DPG), 12-13
Defense spending, U.S., 31
Demand, in global economy, 38
Demand center, global, U.S. as, 160
Democracies: American-style, 296-97; and income increase, 365
Democracy, 16, 301; American, 80-81, 210, 212; annual income, 177; bottom-up, 194; China and, 167, 175; demographics and, 52; entrepreneurial capitalism and, 176; in Gap regions, 202-3; globalization and, 399; and leadership, 70-72; Lincoln and, 94; middle class and, 67-68, 134, 439n; religion and, 394; worldwide emergence, 79-80, 367
Democratic Party, 84, 90
Democratization, 65-68; economic globalization and, 179-80; Middle East, 218; New Core and, 6
Demographics, 370-75; Asian, 190; China, 181, 183, 190, 449n; in emerging economies, 181; global, changes in, 407-8; and infrastructure development, 321; Middle East, 50-52
Demonization of enemies, 15-19
Deng Xiaoping, 114, 158, 165-66, 172, 174, 193, 356; and market economy, 308
Department of Everything Else, 43, 281, 291-92, 428
Depression, economic, 4, 115-16, 125-26, 131; American leadership, 70; and bipartisanship, 39
Deregulation of financial markets, 308-9
Descartes, René, 308
Desert Storm, 260
Detachment, grand strategy of, 221
Détente, European, 114, 152-54
Deterrence, search for, 315-20
Deus ex machina, 377-79, 382
Developing countries, and democracy, 73-74
Developing economies, foreign aid to, 192
Development-in-a-Box, 326-41, 344-45, 347
DeYoung, Karen, 257
Diamond, Jared, 359, 383, 400-401
Dictatorships, 67, 386-87
Diet, improvement of, 311
Dignam, Michael, 343-44
DIME package (diplomacy, information, military, economic), 42, 280
Diplomacy, 209, 217; Bush-Cheney and, 227; and nuclear weapons, 214-15; Theodore Roosevelt and, 110
Diplomatic compromises, 413-14
Discipline, wars of, 142, 243
Disconnectedness, 429
Disestablishment of religion, 391
Djibouti, U.S. Central Command, 286-87
"Domino effect," 139
DPG (Defense Planning Guidance), 12-13
Draft, end of, 255
Drury, Allen, 132
D'Souza, Dinesh, 353
Dulles, John Foster, 148
Easterly, William, 193, 194, 196-201, 317; The White Man's Burden, 197-98
Eastern European immigrants, 105
Eberstadt, Nicholas, 370
Economic Consequences of the Peace, The (Keynes), 125
Economic liberty, politics and, 211
Economies: global, comparative rankings, 161-62; non-Western, 211
Economy, Elizabeth, 383-84
Economy: American System, 79-80; Cold War and, 144-46; institutionalization of, 135-36; international, after World War I, 118-19; Iraq, postwar, 24, 54-55; Middle East, and war on terror, 49-50; neo-Marxist views, 177-78; politics and, 80, 125-26; religion and, 387-88; Soviet, 153-54; strategic realignments, China, 164-87; and terrorism, 66-67; transportation and, 90-91; U.S., 104-5; after World War II, planning, 130
--global, 147, 178-79, 191, 294, 419; Asian nations and, 76; deregulation and, 308-9; expansion of, 303; flexibility in, 369; infrastructure development, 323-24; liberal trade order and, 397; private-sector demand and, 280; radical extremism and, 243-44; terrorism and, 305
Egypt, 26; U.S. and, 61
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 71, 114, 143, 284
Elections, U.S., 439n; early American, 74-75
Elite class: and authoritarianism, 68; economy dominated by, 248; and globalization, 47
Emancipation Proclamation, 95-96
Emerging economies, 181, 320-21
Emerging powers, alliances with, 238-44
Enemies of America, 47; demonization of, 15-19; globalization and, 302-8
Enemy at Home, The (D'Souza), 353
Energy: global demand, 403-4; sources, India and, 170
Energy independence, 221-22
Enriquez, Juan, 174
Enterra Solutions, 327, 329-32, 338-40, 347
Entrepreneurial capitalism, 175-77, 187
Entrepreneurship, 373; and middle class, 68; revolution and, 40
Environmental issues: bottom of the pyramid and, 203-4; China and, 170, 383-85; global warming, 360-66; globalization and, 175
Environmental policies, Hurricane Katrina and, 359-60
Environmentalism, Theodore Roosevelt and, 106, 107
Equal opportunity, 80-81
Era of Good Feelings, 75
Erie Canal, 90-91, 94
Ethnic conflict, great powers and, 199
Eurasia, and capitalism, 113-14
Europe: demographics, 370; Islamic underclass, 371; Muslims in, 51; postwar recovery, 397; secularization of, 390. See also European Union
European colonies, economies of, 187-88
European Enlightenment, 80
European Union (EU), 76, 87, 162, 185-86, 188, 234, 374; courts, 410; economy, 162
Evangelicalism, 47, 391-92; nineteenth century, 92
Exceptionalism, American, 102
Executive branch, response to crisis, 5
Expansionism, early, 84-85
Experience, and skills, 131-33
Exports, 104
Extraordinary renditions, 21
Extremism, war against, 41
Failed states, 198
Fair Deal, 108, 110, 113
Fake states, 196-201
Fallon, William J., 8, 226, 267
Fallows, James, 300
Faludi, Susan, 352-54
FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), 130
Farewell to Alms, A (Clark), 398
Fascism, rise of, 126
Federal government, and military force, 114
Federal Reserve System, 87, 324
Federalists, 81, 84
Feith, Douglas, 17, 21, 22, 455n
Feminization, global, 407
Fertility rates, Middle East, 50
Fiasco (Ricks), 18-19, 259-60
Financial institutions, international, 324
Financial markets, globalization of, 308
Fireside chats, Franklin Roosevelt, 122, 137
Food, inspection of, 313
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), 130
Food and Drug Administration, global, 404
Food trade, global, 309, 310-13, 401-3
Ford, Gerald, 19, 71
Foreign affairs, bipartisanship and, 38-42
Foreign aid, 192-94, 341, 345; Bush and, 42, 43-44; in Cold War era, 145-46
Foreign policy: American, 58-60, 238-44, 276-80, 376-77; baby boomer generation and, 42; China, 166-67, 173, 192, 235-36; government and, 104; individual, 209; Nixon and, 150-51; Theodore Roosevelt and, 107-11; Russia, 230; Truman and, 133; USAID and, 43
Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, The (Prahalad), 202-4
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 301
Founding Fathers, goal of, 84
Four Freedoms, Franklin Roosevelt and, 128
France: immigrants, 371, 372; Jefferson and, 85; undeclared U.S. war with, 82
Franklin, Benjamin, 419
Franks, Tommy, 264
Free markets, American, 112
Free-trade agreements (FTAs), 10, 189
Freedom: Chinese views, 165; individual, globalization and, 295, 296, 320; personal, 387-88; political, 210-11; religious, 396-97
French Revolution, 81
Friedman, Thomas, 38, 103, 171, 295; Hot, Flat, and Crowded, 379
Frontier thesis of American history, 102
Frontiersmen, Americans as, 89
FTAs (free-trade agreements), 189
Fugitive Slave Act, 93
Fukuyama, Francis, 23, 193, 409
Functioning Core, 429
Fundamentalism, 47-48; globalization and, 50, 388-89; Muslim, 218; and status of women, 47
Future, 417; forecast of, 233-34
Gaddis, John Lewis, 152
Galula, David, 274-75, 279
Gap regions, 11, 57, 186, 204, 302; Asia and, 189-91; "bottom billion," 196, 197; China and, 237; Development-in-a-Box and, 344-45; economic development, 327; emerging powers and, 240-41; globalization and, 295; income increases, 397; integration of, 98-99, 247; nonintegrated, 57, 98-99, 197, 430-31; and nuclear power, 325; oil production, 381-82; religions, competing, 390; Russia and, 228; U.S. Defense Department and, 43
Garfield, James, 106
Gates, Bill, 40
Gates, Robert, 283
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 126, 135
General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, The (Keynes), 125-26
Genius, personal freedom and, 388
Genocide, 32
Geographic expansion, American, 89
Geography, of war on terror, 50
Geopolitical primacy, Bush-Cheney and, 12-15
Georgia (nation), Russia and, 9-10, 228
Germany, 239; rehabilitation after World War II, 116; Soviet Union and, 148, 151
Glasnost, 155
Global economy, 324-25; China and, 167
Global Maritime Domain Awareness Program, 347
Global security, U.S. military and, 142
Global warming, 182, 250, 309, 360-68, 378-79; and food trade, 306-7, 310, 402; and immigration, 374; infrastructure development and, 324; and oil industry, 381-82
Globalization, 4, 37-38, 60, 70, 103-4, 201, 242, 280, 294-302, 319-20, 413-15, 429-30; America and, 2, 4, 6, 30, 75-78, 90, 200, 376-77; of American System, 78-80, 111-16, 144-59, 301, 302-8; connectivity and, 16, 17, 333; and cultural change, 356-57; and democracy, 68; economic, 126-27, 165, 179-80, 308, 327; and environment, 175; and fake states, 198-201; and food production, 312-13; fundamentalism and, 388-89; future of, 227-28, 233-34, 236; grand strategy and, 351; Hamilton and, 86; imperial model, 112-13; infrastructure, 320-26, 334-35; and integration of trade, 168; justice and, 273; and middle class, 98-99, 364; Middle East and, 221-22; military force and, 15; network spread, 63; and personal freedom, 387-88; radical extremism and, 243-44; rules and, 396; and security, 272, 316-20; separatism and, 83; strategic alliances, 68-70; technology and, 245-47; and trade, 135-36; traditional societies and, 11; and warfare, 46-52, 253
Globally integrated enterprises, 190-91
Gluttony, 31
Goals, positive, statement of, 127-29
Gold standard, 178-79
Goldwater-Nichols Act, 291
Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism (Baumol, Litan, and Schramm), 175-77
Good government, 193-94, 203
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 94, 95-96, 238
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 145, 146, 153, 154-56, 165
Gore, Al, 360-61, 363, 364, 367
Governance: global shifts, 409-11; improvement of, 192-94, 203
Government, grand strategy and, 351
Grain market, global, 401-3
Grand strategy, 137-39, 208; economic, 178-79; military, 141, 142; non-Western, 211; and technology, 315
--American, 1, 2, 35, 144, 158, 210, 211, 269-71, 366-67, 417, 422; AFRICOM and, 293; alliances, 248-50; antiglobalization and, 326; Bush-Cheney and, 27; and change, 208-9, 341-42; and China, 384-85; Cold War, 146; and connectivity, 206; counterinsurgency and, 272-73; and emerging powers, 233, 241; failures of, 15; and fake states, 201; and Gap regions, 196; global economy, 147; globalization and, 30, 280, 368-69; and Iran, 216, 220; Keynes and, 126; and Middle East, 223; military force and, 77-78, 117, 225-26; nationalism and, 393; and nuclear weapons, 215; realignments, 163-64, 350-415; Russia and, 230-31; selling to the bottom of the pyramid, 202-4; small wars and, 271-72
Grant, Ulysses S., 95, 277
Great Awakening, 390-91
Great Britain, 43, 91, 125, 134; and American products, 103; and American System, 80; Americans and, 83-84; colonies, 187-88
Great Depression, 115-16, 125-26, 131; American leadership, 70; bipartisanship, 39
Great Divergence, 397
Great powers, 417-18; America among, 2; competing rules, 162; multiple, 421; and nuclear weapons, 214-15; uniting of, 419; wars, end of, 142
Great White Fleet, 110, 117
"Greatest Generation," 41, 420
"Green awakening," China, 385
GSPC (Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat), 286
Guerrillas, global, 304-8
Gulf Cooperation Council countries, 322-23
Haass, Richard, 220-21
Habeas corpus, suspension of, 21
Hadley, Stephen, 217
Hamas, 55
Hamilton, Alexander, 70, 84, 85-87, 89, 109, 157, 165, 411
Happiness, paths to, 295-96, 414-15
Harding, Warren G., 134
Havel, V√°clav, 62
Haverhill, Massachusetts, 92
Hay, John, 100, 101-2, 109, 110
H-bomb program, 130
Health care, global, changes in, 408-9
Health-related foreign aid, 192-94
Helsinki Accords, 152-53, 154
Hezbollah, 55, 170
Hill, Chris, 8
"Hippo" generation, Africa, 195
Hispanics, in U.S., 372-73
History: American, 100, 102; of American System, 80-89; Americans and, 73
HIV-AIDS, 10, 43
Homeland security, globalization and, 79
Homeland Security Department, 291
Homestead Act, 97
Honda, 190
Honoré‚ Russell, 358
Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Friedman), 379
House of Representatives, U.S., 39
Howe, Daniel Walker, 88, 90
Hull, Cordell, 130
Human nature, grand strategy and, 350
Human rights: Africa, 191-92; Helsinki Accords and, 152-53; Franklin Roosevelt and, 128-29
Humor, and terrorism, 355
Hurricane Katrina, 29, 226, 357-60
Hussein, Saddam, 10; capture of, 262-63; overthrow of, 52, 65, 215-16
ICC (International Criminal Court), 56-58
Ideas, great powers and, 417
Identity: American, 111-12, 114, 209, 421-22; European, Muslim immigrants and, 371; globalization and, 48, 64-65, 204, 414-15; loss of, 357; religion and, 395; universal, 320
Ikenberry, John, 133
Imagination, collective, 2
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 109, 116, 126, 135, 324-25
Immigrants to America, 38, 92, 97; discrimination against, 105, 352
Immigration, issues of, 371-74
Imperial overreach, 31
Imperial presidency, 150
Imperialism, Old World, 112-13
Income taxes, 97
Incomes, growth of, 204-5, 211, 365-67, 372, 373-74, 397; and diet, 311
India, 118, 189; diet improvement, 311; economy, 163, 171-72; emigrants, 370; energy demands, 170; foreign relations, 61; future military needs, 45; and Gap regions, 205-6; globalization and, 363-64; and Iran, 217; middle class, 398; military cooperation with U.S., 223-24; power of, 241, 242; and U.S., 69
Indian Wars, U.S., 277-78
Indispensable nation, U.S. as, 220
Individualism, American, 388
Individuals: improvement of, 80-81; superempowered, 295-98, 301-2
Indonesia, 51, 380
Industrial Revolution, 398; and religion, 390
Industrialization: China, 172; and empowerment of women, 407; Hamilton and, 86; Jefferson and, 84
Industry, American, 102-3
Infectious diseases, deaths from, 365-66
Information, shared, 317
Information networks, security of, 44
Information technology, 103, 244-45, 308
Infrastructure: African, China and, 302; Clay and, 88; development of, 280, 320-26; economic, 334-35; global, spending on, 458n; Hamilton and, 86-87
Innovation, 386; globalization and, 38
Inspection technologies, 313-14
Institutionalization, economic, 135-36
Insurgencies, 303; failure of, 271; successful, 281
Insurrections, early U.S., 82, 92
Integration, economic, 161-62, 168; global, 99, 147-48
Intelligence community (IC), 44; information sharing, 317-18
Interagency cooperation, 287-89
Interconnectedness, modern, 308
Interdependence: economic, 312; political, 79-80
Internal Revenue Service, 97
International Criminal Court (ICC), 56-58
International law, Bush-Cheney and, 20-21
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 109, 116, 126, 135, 324-25
International relations, with China, 8-9
International security system, 2-3
Internationalism, political, 127
Internet, 64, 244, 245, 294, 405-6; China and, 173; global guerrillas and, 304-8; intelligence community and, 318-19; and politics, 300-301; and security, 315-20
Interstate trade, U.S., 162
Intervention, military, 122-25
Investment banking, 179
Iran, 66, 219; Bush and, 25-28, 33, 216, 218; China and, 170-71; demonization of, 16; foreign relations, 61; and Internet, 318; and Iraq, 23, 25-26, 27-28, 55; nuclear weapons, 212-15, 217; U.S. military and, 56
Iraq: Bush-Cheney and, 11; democratization of, 65-66; economy, 333-34, 338; as fake state, 196-97; political divisions, 54-55; postwar, 21-25, 53-54, 217-18, 455-56n; al Qaeda and, 49; soft partition, 28
--war in, 10-12, 52-53, 252, 253-54; Hurricane Katrina and, 358-59; lost year, 258-64; U.S. military and, 27-31, 45; Wolfowitz Doctrine, 13
Iraq Study Group, 11, 28, 62
Irish Catholic immigrants, in U.S., 92, 372
IS&GS (Information Systems & Global Services), 344
Islam, 395; evangelical, 392; and globalization, 51-52; and terrorism, 67. See also Muslims
Islamic radicalism, 307
Islamists, 47-48; European, 51
Israel, 176; Bush-Cheney and, 66; enemies of, 55; and Iran, 26, 56, 212-13, 214, 219; U.S. and, 61
Jackson, Andrew, 75, 84, 90; Clay and, 88; and nationalism, 91
Japan, 73, 239; automobiles, 382; capitalism, 188, 189; demographics, 370; economy, 178; foreign relations, 61; postwar rehabilitation, 116
Jefferson, Thomas, 84-85, 165
Jihadists, and globalization, 52
Jim Crow laws, 105
Johnson, Lyndon, 71
Jordan, 61; and postwar Iraq, 25
Judicial system, for terrorists, 56-58
Kagan, Robert, 92, 93-94, 104, 239; Dangerous Nation, 82-84, 423; The Return of History and the End of Dreams, 157; on U.S. Civil War, 101
Kazakhstan, 197
KBR (Kellogg Brown & Root), 278, 279, 288
Keane, Jack, 28
Keating, Timothy, 8
Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), 278, 279, 288
Kennan, George, 136-38, 145, 254
Kennedy, John F., 71, 148
Kennedy administration, 39
Kenya, 199; Manda Bay, 289; USAID mission, 281
Kerry, John, 60
Keynes, John Maynard, 119, 125-26, 127; The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, 125-26; and grand strategy, 137-38; and Franklin Roosevelt, 131
Khanna, Parag, 185, 209, 233
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 219
Kissinger, Henry, 61, 150, 151-52, 154, 385, 179, 194
Korea: division of, 141; unification of, 69
Korean War, 116, 130, 136, 142-43, 188, 255; U.S. troops, 140
Kosovo, peacekeeping operation, 261
Krauthammer, Charles, 12
Krueger, Alan, 67
Kurdish Iraq, 28, 55, 66, 83, 199, 338-40; economy, 327
Kurdistan, 56
Kurlantzick, Joshua, 234-35
Kuwait, Desert Storm, 260
Kynge, James, 170
Kyoto Treaty, U.S. and, 10, 361
Kyrgyzstan, 197
Land-grant colleges, 97
Landlocked nations, 197, 200-201
Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 353
Law, international, Bush-Cheney and, 20-21
Lawrence, T. H., 268
Leaders: Americans and, 70-72; global, 296-97; and grand strategies, 208
Leadership: and secrecy, 20
--American: absence of, 232-33; and change, 342-43; post-Vietnam, 24
--global, 127, 418, 419-20; America and, 411-12; after World War II, 124-25, 133-35
League of Nations, 115, 128, 129, 133, 137; Permanent Court of International Justice, 111; Theodore Roosevelt and, 110; Wilson and, 119
Lebanon, 170; Cedar Revolution, 26; foreign relations, 61; Hezbollah, 55
Lee, Robert E., 94
Legal system, China, 174
Legal Tender Bill, 97
Legislative creativity, 39
Lend-Lease Program, 119-20, 130
Lenin, Vladimir, 113
Lerrick, Adam, 241
"Lessons learned" commands, 266-67
Leverett, Flynt, 216-17
Leviathan force, 7, 76-77, 114, 144, 237, 248, 253, 268, 289, 377, 430; China and, 186-87; demands for, 140-41; funding for, 45; future of, 233-34; international tolerance of, 221; justification for, 223; Reagan and, 71
Libby, Lewis, 12, 13
Liberal trade order, 367-70, 397-412; beginnings, 109; China and, 175, 185-86, 232; and Cold War, 188; decline of, 233; global, 178, 342, 413, 418, 420, 422; Hull and, 130; international, 2, 5, 364; post-9/11, 162-63; Franklin Roosevelt and, 120, 129, 137
Liberty: economic, 211; personal, 210, 295, 296
Libya, 216
Limited war, 148, 255
Lincoln, Abraham, 30, 70, 89, 93-97, 99-100, 101, 157, 238, 251, 411
Lippmann, Walter, 121
Litan, Robert, 175-77
Lockheed Martin, 342-44
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 122, 136
LOG-CAP (Logistics Civil Augmentation Program), 279
Logistical networks, global, 404
Lomborg, Bj√∏rn, 362-66
Long war, 42, 46-52, 62, 67, 264-71; Bush and, 6; Cheney and, 60; elements of, 281; globalization and, 68, 207; military format and, 269
Lovins, Amory, 382-83, 386, 409
Luce, Edward, 172, 241
Lynch, Jessica, 354
MacArthur, Douglas, 138, 282; firing of, 142-43
Macedonia, 348-49
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 102, 109, 114, 117
Malaysia, 51, 74
Mann, Hillary, 216-17
Manufacturing, 102-3; China, 172
Mao Zedong, 151, 152, 165, 172, 174, 281; strategy of, 86
Marine Corps, U.S., 269, 275; lessons learned, 266-67
Maritime Safety and Security Information System, 347
Maritime traffic, control of, 345-47
Market economy, 91, 144-45; China and, 146-47
Market reforms, China, 166-67
Markets, global, shifts, 409
Marshall, George, 138
Marshall Plan, 116, 119, 124, 126, 130, 133, 136, 276; Stalin and, 134; Truman and, 133
Marti, Michael, 165, 166
Marx, Karl, 113, 229-30, 420, 472n
Mass media projects, U.S.-sponsored, 44
Massey, Morris, 40
Mattis, James, 19, 29-30, 253-54, 266-68, 281
MCA (Millennium Challenge Account), 193-94
McCain, John, 354
McClellan, George, 95
McClellan, Scott, 22
McCullough, David, 132-33
McKinley, William, 101, 234, 282
McNamara, Robert, 148
Mead, Walter Russell, 80
Meat consumption, China, 312
Meat Inspection Act, 107
Medvedev, Dmitry, 91
Mergers, international, 323-24
Mexican War, 88, 93
Mexico, 73, 374; oil production, 380
Middle class: American, 373-74, 369; Chinese, 173-74; civil liberties and, 67-68; and democracy, 134, 296-97, 439n; global, 36, 42, 160, 367, 373-75, 397-99, 436n; globalization and, 364; and human rights, 191-92; ideology, 98, 99; rise of, 120, 202, 205, 294, 411-12
Middle East, 59, 210; Bush-Cheney and, 29; change in, 61; demographics, 50-51, 407-8; fake states, 196-97; food imports, 401-2; foreign investment, 49-50; and globalization, 48, 221-22, 378-79; infrastructure development, 322-23; peace in, 215; regional security dialogue, 61; Wilson and, 123
Military, U.S., 12, 31-32, 116-18, 254-58, 436n; and counterinsurgency, 263-64, 274-75; development of, 242; future of, 252-53; and information technology, 244; and Internet, 318; and Iraq war, 26-31; limitations of, 34; and Middle East, 59; and postwar Iraq, 53-54; strategy shift, 264-71; troop assignments, 139-41
Military cooperation, U.S. and, 248-49
Military dominance, global, 13, 14-15
Military force, 220-21; funding for, 44-45; and globalization, 76-78, 114
Military-industrial complex, 223, 284-85; and China, 225-26; SysAdmin, 341-49
Military leadership, post-Vietnam War, 24
Military power, U.S., 7-8
Military spending, foreign, in Africa, 192
Military strength, and Cold War, 144
Millennial Generation, 160-61, 420-21
Millennium Challenge Account (MCA), 186, 193-94
Millennium Challenge Corporation, 10, 43, 344
Missile defense sites, 14
Missionary activity, 47, 92
Mississippi, 90
Missouri Compromise, 88, 93
Modernity, fight against, 303
"Monks of War, The" (Barnett), 268
Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, 108-9
Morgan, J. P., 40
Morrill Act, 97
Morris, Edmund, 103, 110
Mullen, Mike, 347
Multiculturalism, 395
Multinational corporations, 205, 322
Murdoch, Rupert, 40
Musharraf, Pervez, 33
Muslims, 47-48; European, 51, 371; and globalization, 51, 52; North American, 51; and terrorism, 67
Mutually assured destruction, 14, 143, 148-49, 212-15, 273
Myanmar, deforestation, 170
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 401
Nagl, John, 268, 283-84
Nanotechnology, and food inspection, 313
Nasr, Vali, 25, 218
Nation-building, 282-84; AFRICOM and, 287; goal of, 290; U.S., 78-80
National Bank Act, 97
National Forest Service, 107
National identity, American, 98-100, 102, 111-12, 114
National Monuments, 107
National oil companies (NOCs), 380-82
National parks, Theodore Roosevelt and, 107
National Reclamation Act, 107
National security: private sector and, 315-20; U.S., in Cold War era, 145
National security community: and China, 69; and technology, 63
National Security Council, 130, 293; Rice and, 21-22
National Security Strategy, 281
National Wildlife Refuge System, 107
Nationalism, 64, 90-91, 392-94; globalization and, 228-29
Native Americans, 82, 96, 206, 353-54; Democratic Party and, 90; U.S. government and, 318; wars against, 356; westward expansion and, 200
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 116, 130, 136, 243, 276; Bush-Cheney and, 7; Macedonia and, 348; sea traffic control, 346-47; Truman and, 133
Natural capitalism, 409
Natural disasters, deaths from, 365-66
Natural resources: China and, 170-71, 185; global shifts, 409
Navy, U.S., 109, 275
Negotiation: bipartisan, 39; with Iran, 218
Neo-Marxists: and capitalism, 187; views of American economy, 177-78
Network-centric warfare, 244
Network security, government and, 44
Network trade, 205-6
Networks: Gap regions, 302, 303-8; global, 189, 329, 414; globalization and, 297-302; security of, 315-20; spread of, 63; and status of women, 47; traditional, 334; transparency of, 314
Neutrality Act, 119
New Core regions, 429; and democratization, 6; energy usage changes, 404; and global warming, 364; income increases, 397; infrastructure development, 322; religions, 392
New Deal, 131-32; international, 128-29
New Orleans, Battle of, 91
New York City, 91, 406-7
New York State, 94
New York Times, 311-12; and Truman, 133
New Zealand, 187; dairy products, 312
NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), 194
Nigeria, terrorists and, 305
Nitze, Paul, 138, 139
Nixon, Richard, 41, 71, 135, 147, 149, 158, 174, 358, 417-18; and China, 164; presidency of, 150-52, 154
Nobel Peace Prize winners, 400; Gore, 361; Pachauri, 362; Theodore Roosevelt, 106; Root, 111
NOCs (national oil companies), 380-82
Non-Aligned Movement, 125
Nondenominational Protestantism, 391
Nondenominationalism, 394
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 194
Non-Integrated Gap, 57, 197, 430-31; integration of, 98-99
Nonstate actors, 63-65
North Africa, foreign investment in, 49-50
North America, and global food supply, 401
North American experiment, 188
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO
North Korea: Bush-Cheney and, 33; invasion of South Korea, 141; six-party talks, 8
Northwest Ordinance, 82
Nuclear deterrence, 14-15
Nuclear energy: increased use of, 325; rules for, 404
Nuclear war, fear of, 139
Nuclear weapons, 7-8, 148, 212-15; and Cold War, 147; and great-power war, 253; Iran and, 25-26, 33, 55, 56; spread of, U.S. and, 66; Truman and, 142; use of, 124; war and, 141-44
Núñez, Joseph, 243
Obama, Barack, 4, 42, 72, 227, 228, 266
Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA), 260, 455n
Oil imports, China, 170
Oil prices, and foreign investment, 49
Oil production, 377-82
Old Core region, 6, 429; consumption, 400-401
Oligarch capitalism, 68, 175, 184; European colonies, 188
Oligarch regimes, resource-rich, 182
Olympics, Beijing (2008), 174
One World (Willkie), 127
OPEC, 381, 401
Open-door policies, 101, 109, 113, 117
Operation experience, military-industrial, 344
Opportunity, The (Haass), 221
Opportunity, equality of, 80-81
Opportunity costs, Bush-Cheney and, 32-33
ORCON (originator-controlled information), 318
Oren, Michael, 355
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 61-62, 153
ORHA (Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance), 260, 455n
OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), 61-62, 153
Osteen, Joel, 391
Outsourcing: of counterinsurgency, 279-80; of operations, Iraq, 262
Pachauri, Rajendra, 362
Pacific Railroad Act, 97
PA&E (Pacific Architects and Engineers), 343-44
Pakistan, 52-53, 198, 219, 232, 242; Bush-Cheney and, 33; foreign relations, 61; military aid to, 45-46; and al Qaeda, 48-49
Palestine: free elections, 26; Hamas, 55
Palin, Sarah, 354
Palmisano, Sam, 190
Panama Canal, 108
Paris Commune, 105
Partisanship, 39
Patents, issue of, 86
Patriot Act, 308-9
Patronage, political, Democrats and, 90
Paulson, Henry, 8
Peace: connectivity and, 64; economic security and, 126-27
Peacekeeping operations, 261, 262, 290; Africa, 287-88
Peer pressure, 301; young people and, 65
Pelosi, Nancy, 354
Pendergast, Tom, 132
Pentagon, and postwar Iraq, 259-61, 455-56n. See also Military, U.S.
Pentagon's New Map, The (Barnett), 343
People-centric strategy, 273
People's Liberation Army (PLA), China, 166
Perestroika, 155
Perry, William, 261
Persian Gulf: Carter and, 109; oil from, 224; Shia population, 218; U.S. and, 59
Petraeus, David, 28, 29-30, 266, 267-68, 357
Philippines, U.S. occupation, 282
Piestewa, Lori, 354
Pinkerton Detective Agency, 277
Pioneer women, 353-54
Planned markets, Soviet, 112
Plaza Accord, 178
Pluralism, political, 394; paths to, 16; religion and, 387-88
Political freedom, 210-11
Political history, modern American, 39
Political parties, evolution of, 84
Political rights of citizens, 80
Politics, and terrorism, 66-67
Polk, James K., 88
Population, aging of, 371, 407-8, 449n; China, 190. See also Demographics
Populism, nineteenth century, 105
Post-American World, The (Zakaria), 11, 177
Postcolonial generations, 195
Postcolonial states, 196
Postmillennialism, 375, 386, 388
Postwar occupation of Iraq, 21-24; planning for, 129-30
Poverty, worldwide, reduction of, 182-83
Powell, Colin, 12, 23, 24, 257-58
Powell Doctrine, 13
Power, challenges to, 136-37
Power vacuums, 9
Prahalad, C. K., 202-4, 333
Preemptive war, 281; Wolfowitz Doctrine, 12, 13
Premillennialism, 375-86, 388
Presidential elections, U.S., 74-75, 439n
Presidential powers, U.S.: abdication of, 28; Bush-Cheney and, 19-21; Jackson and, 91
Primacy, geopolitical, Bush-Cheney and, 12-15
Prince, Erik, 279, 359
Prisoners, torture of, 17
Private sector interests: and Hurricane Katrina, 359; in Iraq, 262; military and, 276-80; and network security, 315-20; and rule-set enforcement, 63
Privatization, U.S. government and, 276-80
Producer chains, 205
Product safety issues, China and, 169-70
Production, disintegration of, 168, 205
Products: globally branded, 162; verification of, 309
Progressive era, global, 399-412
Protectionism, 38, 116, 324, 325-26; Bush-Cheney and, 10; and globalization, 222; in Great Depression era, 131
Protestant work ethic, 375
Protestantism, nondenominational, 391, 394
Prothero, Stephen, 391
PRTs (Provincial Reconstruction Teams), 288
P2P systems, 179, 180, 194
Public, American: and security, 319; attitude toward Middle East situation, 56
Public corporations, 105
Public education, U.S., 372; immigration and, 92, 391
Public land, Theodore Roosevelt and, 107
Public opinion, Franklin Roosevelt and, 122
Pure Food and Drug Act, 107
Puritans, 390
Putin, Vladimir, 33, 76, 91, 210, 234; Bush-Cheney and, 9-10
Qaeda, al, 10, 28, 46, 48-49, 52, 55, 198, 272, 355, 363; attacks on, 286-87
Racism, 105
Radical extremism: and globalization, 236; war against, 243-44
Railroads, 88, 103; China, 321-22; Lincoln and, 97
Reagan, Nancy, 154
Reagan, Ronald, 71, 158, 308; and military buildup, 224; and Soviet Union, 149-50, 153-54
Reagan Doctrine, 255
Reagan Republicanism, bipartisanship and, 39
Reconstruction: postwar Iraq, 24, 260-61; after U.S. Civil War, 97-98
"Red scare," 139
Reformer, Theodore Roosevelt as, 106-7
Reintegration, political, of fake states, 199
Religion, 246; Americans and, 375; and cultural identity, 64-65; disestablishment of, 92; freedom of, 414-15; global changes, 386-97, 406; and politics, 47-48; and protectionism, 38
Religious fundamentalists, 248
"Report on Manufactures" (Hamilton), 86, 87
Republican Party, 93-94
Resources, competition for, 232-33
Responsibility, power and, 235
Return of History and the End of Dreams, The (Kagan), 157
Revolution, 30; American, 74; demographics and, 50-51; French, 81; Great Britain (1688), 80; justification of, 20; politics and, 39-40
Revolutionary movement, al Qaeda as, 46
Revolutionary wars, 271
Reynolds, Glenn, 319
Rice, Condoleezza, 21-22
Richards, Chet, 341
Richardson, Heather Cox, 97-98
Ricks, Thomas, 18-19, 23, 259-60
Rival countries, alliances with, 238-44
Road networks, China, 321
Robb, John, 304-5
Rockefeller, John D., 40
Role models, U.S. troops as, 290
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 26, 39, 70, 115, 119-20, 121-22, 157-58; economic order, 136; grand strategy, 137-38; Keynes and, 131; postwar strategy, 133-34, 270; and Soviet Union, 123-24; and Truman, 132; and Wilson, 128-29
Roosevelt, Theodore, 38, 39, 70, 78, 100, 101-2, 106-11, 117, 157, 159, 175, 230, 282, 400, 411; and capitalism, 113
Root, Elihu, 110-11
Rothkopf, David, 297
Roy, Olivier, 395, 396
"Rule of law" concept, 410, 415
Rule set, 431
Rules: economic, new technology and, 308-9; global, 414, 419; globalization and, 37, 396; grand strategy and, 209; management of, 328-41; need for, 310; new, 9/11 attack and, 5; after 9/11, 162
Rumsfeld, Donald, 19, 24, 28, 259, 353; notion of European states, 6
Russia, 117, 242; Bush-Cheney and, 9-10, 33; after Cold War, 156; economy, 162; foreign relations, 61; imperial, reforms of, 81; and Iran, 217; and Middle East, 62; and missile defense, 14-15; nationalism, 228-29; resurgence of, 228-31; Stalin and, 86. See also New Core regions
Rwanda, 199
Saakashvili, Mikheil, 33
Sachs, Jeffrey, 192, 194, 297, 401
Sageman, Marc, 307
Salafi jihadist movement, 285-86
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) treaty, 149
Sandburg, Carl, 97
Santa Cruz province, Bolivia, 199
Saudi Arabia, 66, 232; and Iran, 26, 56; and nuclear weapons, 215; and al Qaeda, 48; U.S. and, 61
Savage, Charlie, 19
Savage Wars of Peace, The (Boot), 271
Scandals: corporate and political, 104-5; global, 310
Schelling, Thomas, 212, 213
Schoomaker, Pete, 264-66, 268
Schramm, Carl, 175-77
Scowcroft, Brent, 22
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), 153-54
Sea power, U.S., Theodore Roosevelt and, 109-10
Sea traffic, control of, 345-47
Second Civil War, The (Brownstein), 39
Second Great Awakening, 92, 391
Second Industrial Revolution, 87
Second World, The (Khanna), 185, 209, 233
Secrecy, leadership and, 20
Secular democracy, 16
Security: defense and, 347; economic, 129; globalization and, 414; grand strategy and, 351; international system, 2-3; national, search for deterrence, 315-20; peace and, 126-27
--global, 419-20; changes in, 404-5; U.S. and, 270-76
Self-rule, 80-81
Self-selection, in communications, 64-65
Seminole nation, Florida, 90
Sensor networks, 314
Separatism: cultural, 414; globalization and, 83
Service-oriented architecture (SOA), 245-46
Settlers, early American, 82-83
Sewall, Sarah, 30, 269, 271-73, 275
Seward, William, 94, 95, 99, 157
Sexual revolution, China, 173
Shanghai, 173
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, 200, 231, 243, 285-86
Shape of Things to Come, The (Wells), 421
Shapiro, Robert J., 408
Sherman, William, 95
Shia forces, Iraq, 25, 26, 55, 218, 219
Shia Revival, The (Nasr), 25
Shinseki, Eric, 261-62, 265
Sichuan earthquake (2008), 174
Sierra Leone, 199
Sinclair, Upton, 400
Singapore, 51; capitalism, 189
Singer sewing machine company, 202
Single-party rule: early America, 74-75; and democracy, 73-74
Sistani, Ali al-, 25, 259
Skidelsky, Robert, 119, 131
Slavery, U.S., 82; abolition movement, 92-93; Democrats and, 90; politics of, 86
Slovenia, 83, 198-99
Small-war forces, 252-53, 255
Small wars, 271
SOA (service-oriented architecture), 245-46
SOCCENT (Special Operations Command Central), 288, 289. See also SOCOM
Social issues, nineteenth century, 92-93
Social tumult, globalization and, 389-90
Socialization of Middle East, 222-23
Society, egalitarian, China, 165
Socioeconomic development, China, 172-73
SOCOM (Special Operations Command), 284, 292. See also SOCCENT
Soft power strategy, China and, 234-37
Somalia, 261
"Sources of Soviet Conduct, The" (Kennan), 136
South Korea, 73, 242, 392; capitalism, 188, 189
SOUTHCOM (Southern Command, U.S.), 289
Southern states, U.S.: secession of, 94-95; and slavery, 93-94
Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), 180-82, 184
Sovereignty services, 333-35, 359
Soviet system, Kennan and, 138
Soviet Union: downfall of, 149-50, 155, 156; economy, 145-46; and Germany, 148, 151; Kissinger and, 151-52; and Korea (northern), 141; and Nixon's trip to China, 152; Truman and, 123-24, 136-37. See also Russia
Space program, China, 173
Spain, immigrants, 371
Special Operations Command: (SOCCENT), 288, 289; (SOCOM), 284, 292
Spirituality: connectivity and, 64; social tumult and, 389
Spoils system, Democratic Party and, 90
Spy agencies, effectiveness of, 44
Stalin, Joseph, 86, 134; and Central Asia, 197; and Korea, 141
State Department, U.S., 43-44; and Iraq, 259; and postwar operations, 281-82; and USAID, 43
State-building, 409-10
State-guided capitalism, 175, 184
States, artificial (fake), 196-201
States' rights, 84-85
Stengel, Casey, 283
Stewart, Jon, 20
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) treaty, 149
"Strategic communications," 44, 64-65
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 153-54
Strategy, execution of, 137-39
Sudan, 198, 216, 237, China and, 170, 196; Darfur crisis, 32; ICC and, 57-58; and al Qaeda, 48
Sunni groups: Iraq, 25, 28, 55; Middle East, 218
Superempowerment, individual, 295-98, 301-2
Supply chains, global, 309
Supreme Court, U.S., 56, 411
Surge, military, Iraq war, 11, 28
Surowiecki, James, 317
Survival, wars of, 142, 243-44
"Sushi" Muslims, 51
Sustainable development, 401
SWFs (sovereign wealth funds), 180-82, 184
Syria, 61, 216
SysAdmin force, 237, 248, 253, 268, 270, 277-78, 289-90, 340-41, 431-32; funding for, 44-45
SysAdmin-industrial complex, 341-49
System-focused warfare, 303
System perturbation, 432
Taft, Robert, 138
Taft, William Howard, 100, 106, 109, 282
Taiwan, 169, 176; Bush-Cheney and, 8, 33; China and, 225
Tajikistan, 197
Takeover (Savage), 19
Taleb, Nassim, 305-6, 310
Taliban: Iran and, 216; overthrow of, 52
Tapscott, Don, 314
Tariffs, Clay and, 88
Taxes, Lincoln and, 97
Technological advance, 63, 102-3, 244
Terror, war on, reevaluation of, 46-52
Terror Dream, The (Faludi), 352, 353-54
Terrorism, 66-67, 74, 303-4; future of, 304-8; global war on, 120, 122, 210-15; globalization and, 206-7
Terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, 2-3, 5, 71-72, 79, 256, 352-57; and demonization of enemies, 15-16
Terrorists: Bush-Cheney and, 21; judicial system for, 56-58; transnational, and failed states, 198
Texas, 93
Thatcher, Margaret, 154, 156, 308
Theocracy, 386-87
Third World, 125, 134, 280; infrastructure, 320. See also Gap regions
Tillman, Barrett, 285
Timber imports, China, 170
Todd, Brad, 319
Torture of prisoners, 17
Toyota, 190
Trade, international, 5, 104, 129, 342; Bush-Cheney and, 10; Great Depression and, 131; after 9/11, 162-64; peace and, 126-27
Trade deficit, U.S., 169
Trade secrets, piracy of, 86
Trade unions, 105
Traditional cultures, and globalization, 11, 65
Transformation, postwar, 133-35
Transportation, changes, 90-91, 403
Treasury bonds, U.S. Civil War finance, 97
Treaties: bilateral immunity, 57; Hay and, 101-2
Trenin, Dmitri, 229
Truman, Harry, 70-71, 115, 123-24, 136, 138, 158; and bipartisanship, 122; George W. Bush and, 17; and Korean War, 142-44; and nuclear weapons, 148; and postwar economy, 132-33
Truman Doctrine, 116, 124, 130, 136
Trust-busting, Theodore Roosevelt and, 106
Truth, and deterrence, 317
Turkey, 51, 243; foreign relations, 61; and postwar Iraq, 25
Turkmenistan, 197
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 102, 108
Turner, Nat, 92
Ulam, Adam, 148, 149, 154
Ulrich, Harry, 345-47
Undeclared wars, 271
Unfunded mandates, 315
Unilateralism, 36-37; American, reversal of, 58-60; Wolfowitz Doctrine, 12
United Nations, 116, 126, 130; peacekeeping operations, 290; Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA), 130; Security Council, and Korea, 142; Truman and, 133
United States, 82, 75-76, 78-79, 187; China and, 384; and global economy, 159; and globalization, 234; government assets, 42; and Iran, 212-14; military action for global security, 142; as political SOA, 246. See also America
UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency), 130
Urbanization, global, 406-7
USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), 43, 281, 348
Uzbekistan, 197
Vaitheeswaran, Vijay, 403
Values, conflicts of, 83
Van Buren, Martin, 91
Vandenberg, Arthur, 122, 138
Venezuela, oil production, 380
Versailles, Treaty of, 118-19, 121, 127, 128; Keynes and, 125; and Rwanda, 199
Victory, in war on terror, 48, 50, 51-52
Vietnam War, 71, 116, 138-39, 150, 255; bipartisanship and, 39; Powell and, 258; U.S. troops, 140
Volpe Center, 346, 347
Walesa, Lech, 61-62
Wallace, William "Scotty," 266, 267-68
Wal-Mart, 169, 205, 324
War, 142, 255-58, 272; America and, 7-8; of great powers, 148; nuclear weapons and, 141-44; on terror, 46-52
War-crimes court, 56-58
War powers, presidential, 19-21
War Within, The (Woodward), 28, 226, 264
Warfare: next-generation, 393-94; system-focused, 303
Warren, Rick, 391
Washington, Booker T., 107, 400
Washington, George, 74, 81-84, 166-67
Washington Consensus, 184, 186, 413
Washington Post, 300; and Truman, 133
Water, clean, access to, 362-63
Watergate scandal, 39
Welch, Jack, 358
Wells, H. G., 421
West from Appomattox (Richardson), 97-98
Western Alliance, Bush-Cheney and, 7
Western Union, 299
Westward expansion, U.S., 82-83, 89, 114, 199-200; Army and, 277-78; Lincoln and, 96-97; Frederick Jackson Turner on, 102
What Makes a Terrorist (Krueger), 67
What We Need (Tillman), 285
Whig party, 88, 93
Whiskey Rebellion, 82
White Man's Burden (Easterly), 197-98
White supremacy, Democrats and, 90
Wikileaks, 318
Wikinomics (Tapscott and Williams), 314
Willkie, Wendell, 126-27
Wilson, Woodrow, 39, 70, 100, 110, 115, 119, 120-21, 127-30, 133-34, 137, 157-58, 417; Congressional Government, 120; 14 Points, 117; and military force, 122-23; Versailles conference, 118-19, 120
Winik, Jay, 81, 87
Wireless technologies, 173, 348, 405-6
Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki), 317
Wolfowitz, Paul, 12-13, 17, 259-60
Women: empowerment of, 379; and terror, 353-54
--Muslim, 395; in North America, 51
--status of, 47; Democratic Party (U.S.) and, 90; global changes, 407
Women's rights, middle class and, 68
Woodward, Bob, 28, 226, 264
Workers, class identification, 105
World Bank, 116, 126, 135, 241, 324, 325; Africa's Silk Road, 205; and China, 183, 385; and Macedonia, 348
World Health Organization, 404
World power: China as, 241-42; U.S. as, 84, 86
World religions, 246
World trade, 206
World Trade Organization (WTO), 126, 135, 136
World War I, 115, 120, 125-26; postwar planning, 129-30, 135
World War II, 114, 116, 120, 123-24, 126, 188; postwar planning, 130, 135; Franklin Roosevelt and, 121-22
World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 102
"Worldsourcing," 314
Worldview, individual, 40-41
WTO (World Trade Organization), 126, 135, 136
Yalta Conference, 121-22
Young people, influences on, 65
Youth bulge, Middle East, 50-51
Yugoslavia, OSCE and, 62
Zakaria, Fareed, 68, 98, 250, 282-83, 365; The Post-American World, 11, 177
Zarqawi, al-, Abu Musab, 17
Zhou Enlai, 101
Zinni, Anthony, 341
Zoellick, Robert, 8, 9
Zoom (Carson and Vaitheeswaran), 403
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