Defining strategy by current events

OP-ED: The Neocons Make a Comeback, By BRET STEPHENS, Wall Street Journal, SEPTEMBER 28, 2009
I love this piece: every time anything bad happens, we are told the neocons were right and they're coming back!
Very expansive and impressive logic: defining our strategies solely by current events.
You ever watch a dog chase its tail? The WSJ editorial board is giving a good display these recent months.
The neocons' problem wasn't their sensible take on a dangerous world (they can read newspaper headlines with the best of them). Their deficiency was their tendency to always place security at the top of every agenda and tool-kit list. It makes them hammers in search of nails.
Imagine a U.S. currently trying to manage this world by emphasizing military options and hard stances every chance it got. You want a recipe for rapid decline, there is none better.
The neocons will return when our strategic imagination completely runs out--meaning, hopefully never.
(Via WPR Media Roundup)
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