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Case for Pakistan

OP-ED: The View From Pakistan's Spies, By David Ignatius, Washington Post, September 29, 2009

If you want the best, half-full glass argument for trusting the Pakistanis, this is it.

The whopper in the piece--to me at least: Pakistan fears the Pashtun-Taliban rule in Kabul more than we do--or should.

Recent--and distant--history says otherwise.

(Via WPR Media Roundup)

Reader Comments (3)

Pakistan fears a Pashtun-nationalist Afghanistan as such a state would be a natural attractor for the Pakistani Pashtun in the border regions, possibly removing them from Pakistan and further reducing Pakistan's already limited strategic depth.

An Islamic Pashtun Afghanistan (aka the Taliban) would not be a threat, as Pakistan is already an Islamic Republic (just ask it!) and so there would be no reason for Pakistani Pashtuns to leave Pakistan. Islam functions as a strategic 'glue' in this sense.

My view, fm reading about the rise of the Taliban.
October 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlrb
Different argument, but likewise buttresses my contention: Pakistan has no inherent problem with the Taliban running Kabul.
October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom Barnett
The Pakistanis are against anyone who is cosying up with India in Aghanistan.( Afghans can stir for Pustun land in PK and India can stir the Balouch as a counterweight to PK meddling in Kashmir).Hence the past support for any puppets like the was'nt a religious alliance...just strategic necessity.The Taleban has morphed into a more traditional Pasthun movement rather than the Islamic theorcrats of yester-years...which could threaten PK cohesion.They have developed close links to the Pustuns on the Pak side and I expect if they come to power ..they will have a militarised zone of strategic depth back into their previous 'handlers' backyard.As Swat shows...the blowback is probable ... something PK recognises as a separate but real thread that could unfold if a PK/US drone war pulverises the Pustuns away from the union.India won't unravel and its economic ascendency will continue.Its can afford to have aimless talks about talks for a long time to come.
October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJavaid Akhtar

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