Ailing (but how exactly?)

Not sure I have swine. Weird damn night, like those kids had preceding.
But I am still struggling with sinusitis and flew twice yesterday, so who knows?
Will blog til I drop today, just in case.
Not sure I have swine. Weird damn night, like those kids had preceding.
But I am still struggling with sinusitis and flew twice yesterday, so who knows?
Will blog til I drop today, just in case.
Reader Comments (4)
Tried Flonase for months and months. Just didn't do it for me.
Have an your MD check for polyps in your sinus cavity. Have always had allergies and during a particularly bad season one year I blew out a massive chunk of bloody something. Doctor said polyp and my sinuses have been MUCH better since.Still need meds (Claritin) but only during hayfever season.
Suspect I may get news on new one left side, where I am finding ground zero now. Had CT two weeks ago. Get news v. soon.