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We need serious SysAdmin alliances

ARTICLE: Russian bombers to test-fire missiles in Bay of Biscay, Times Online January 22, 2008

Yes, Vlad remains focused on his quest to remind the world that Russia is back and must be part of any great power conversations, to include the projection of power.

Does this constitute a direct threat against Europe? Hmm. That would be the source of much of Russia's energy sector profits, so such threats would seem a bit self-defeating, yes?

But clearly Putin is signaling to be noticed. He's just employing the only routes known to this collection of siloviki raised in the Cold War. On that level, it's sort of pathetic, especially since the initial target is itself the wrong group of states to be engaging on the subject.

But it's what Russia knows and can manage right now, so the signal is sent.

From our angle, we need to ask ourselves what collective use can be made of Russia's resurgence. Not put to productive use in a manner that enhances Russia's global image, it could easily turn into a force for distraction or counterproductive one-up-man-ship during crises.

In short, this sort of capability, like those growing inside India and China, need to be contextualized in something better than just the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

We need serious SysAdmin-driven strategic alliances among the powers most able and willing to defend globalization's advance in coming decades, not "Fight Club"-like displays of power going nowhere and accomplishing nothing.

(Thanks: Rob Johnson)

Reader Comments (7)

True, but thier Ministry for Extraordinary Situations [EMERCOM] could be a very useful. From

Civil protection troops, numbering about 23,000 personnel as of 1999, represent the backbone of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. These troops are composed of rescue brigades, mechanized civil protection regiments and battalions, special protection companies and detached helicopters squadrons. They are armed with specialized equipment, such as engineering, medical, radiation, chemical and biological protection. In peacetime the civil protection troops function within the framework of the UEPRSS. As for wartime, they are under control of the Civil Protection system.

Civil protection troops are assigned to conduct emergency rescue work in zones of large accidents and catastrophes; detection and designation of areas of radioactive, chemical and biological poisoning; and to protect people and decontaminate equipment, buildings and territories. During the last few years of President Putin's presidency the forces concentrated on the evacuation of populations, offering vital assistance, restoring damaged infrastructure and sites, safeguarding humanitarian supplies, and fighting forest fires.
January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTEJ
the people who are in white house,the right wing christian,and the zionist who supports them (christian/zionist),see thier power in weakening the others,and breaking up other countries.this was thetheory they wanted to follow after the fall of the soviets.they succeeded in braking the soviet's fedarations,also checkoslvey & youkoslvy,and now trying in Iraq(for greater Israel),and have plan todo the same in China,thats why they brought Dala Luma and gave him gold medal.we know 1st cold war founder George Cannon in 1946-47,was USA,and the second cold war starter is also United States,i think Putin and the russian federation are saying enough is enough.I see Putin trip to Iran also in this light,and declaring that we have to respect other's countries rights for peacefull nuclear uses
January 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfarhad
when it comes to China, India, Russia and the like aren't they just focused on ways to continue to grow their economies and quite frankly war will hinder such growth. Now wars over resources, that's a potentially scary concept but it would seem thats not what these acts of saber rattling signify.
January 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermoishe
A good place to start might be in SysAdmin projects in their near-abroad, for the simple reason that other countries would have trouble operating their without their support. Rebuilding Chechnya would be one option, doing something to halt or even reverse the drainage of the Aral Sea would be another.

Collaborations on scientific and high-tech projects might also help boost their self-esteem in productive ways. As a major space power, Russia's help would probably be necessary for any orbital infrastructure project (an Orbital Power Transmission System, for example, which would be invaluable to Russia as well as much of the Gap). And those portions of their WMD research establishment which aren't being kept busy could (with their permission, of course) be upgraded and tied into Western energy and medical research.
January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichael
At some level this type of display is like teenagers dressing up like Maralyn Manson at the mall to be noticed.

On a more practical level, Russia seems to do this sort of thing whenever the price of oil starts to drop since the fear premium seems to add a few bucks to a barrel of oil on the world markets.

If the Russians are just desperate for some respect and attention it might be a good idea to let them win one just so that their egos are not so battered that they do something really stupid.

My suggestion would be to make a deal with the Russians with respect to Kosovo. Instead of allowing it to become independent where there is a good chance that it will be taken over by the Albanian drug mafia, make Kosovo into some kind of UN protectorate and let the Russians send a couple of divisions there to administer the place. If the Russians behave well, that is a good thing. If the Russians behave like they are in Chechnya, it will help remind the Europeans why it was that they were scared of the Russians during the Cold War. Either way is OK for the US. In return the Russians back off on the missile defense systems in eastern Europe.

The only problem is if the Russians decide that they are on a winning streak and get cocky.
January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark in Texas
I've heard Dr. Barnett talk about speaking to the Indians and Chinese about the SysAdmin role, but has he ever talked to the Russians about it? What are their feelings about it? This would seem to be a good way of regaining national pride and purpose. At the same time, I can remember some of the things they did in Kosovo while I was serving there. Lets just say that if the SysAdmin is our mother's military, then to the Russians, SysAdmin is their bar-brawling-drunk-uncle's military.
January 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGJA

Dr. Barnett points to pre-invasion interludes to New Core nations for the post-war. No thanks, you have no details for me, they said. How do we hand them no risk low hanging fruit? Connect the incentivized the opportunities, how?

How do you enlarge the EU & Nato? Anybody look into the future and properly prioritize Africom? Giants in a classic: 30-27.
February 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJarrod Myrick

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