Tom around the web

+ More links to the Pop!Tech vid:
+ The Boston Herald picked up last week's column.
+ Then some PhD candidate on 'Democracy Arsenal' punked it.
+ ZenPundit linked New officers...
+ So did Most Serene Republic.
+ Phred at Most Serene Republic says draft Tom for war czar, whether he wants the job or not.
+ And linked Got Robb's "Brave New War" in the mail today.
+ Draconian Observations linked The price of locking in China...
+ et alli. linked Catching up to the Israelis' logic on walls.
+ Soob linked The long, steady drum beat for American military strikes on Iran.
+ So did New Yorker in DC.
+ The War Room referred to the SysAdmin.
+ OregonGuy posted his question and Tom's answer.
+ Tom Roeser says he's still intrigued with Tom's PNM thesis.
+ I Am Net-Centric linked the Esquire State of the World article.
+ Mackinlay's (in Spanish!) linked Power loss.
+ EcoHutong linked Tipping points in the journey from the Gap to the Core.
+ And linked An interesting package on clean energy development in Asia.
+ Ablogistan linked Beware hypocrisy on Darfur, China.
+ Same post at Prose Before Hos.
+ HIV / AIDS Treatment linked Revisiting the System Perturbation argument on breaking global drug patents.
+ linked Connecting to the Core through the scary back door.
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