Tom around the web

+ The Devil Wears Polo linked You can't access the intra-mural politics in Iran until you start the conversation and linked Epidemiology meets Dr. No.
+ ZenPundit linked My own personal 5GW dream and uses Tom's definition of system perturbations in today's exploration of super empowered individuals.
+ Dreaming 5GW used Tom's concept as a key idea in Sysadmin U.
+ 2006 Middle East Deployment linked Iraqi parliament votes to stop pretending it's going to be a unitary state.
+ Cal Poly MBA Trip links The normalization of China proceeds apace and A “responsible” China is a self-interested China.
Reader Comments (1)
Hi Sean,
Gracias !
BTW - I strongly recommend the links to the articles Tom wrote with Bradd Hayes and Art Cebrowski for the serious students of PNM.