Where's there's connectivity, there's a way--around content taboos

Send by reader Eric Allison.
Here's the opening bit:
In Saudi Arabia, a high-tech way to flirtBluetooth gives segregated sexes a way to reach out, discreetly
The Associated Press
Updated: 6:41 p.m. ET Aug. 11, 2005RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The restaurant, like all Riyadh eateries, has taken precautions to prevent its male and female diners from seeing or contacting each other.
Circular white walls surround each table in the family section, open only to women alone or women accompanied by close male relatives. Other male diners are on lower floors.
Yet despite the barriers, the men and women flirt and exchange phone numbers, photos and kisses . . .
Ah, blue tooth kisses. Not exactly frenching, but you take what you can get in the House of Saud.
This is the downfall of all repressive Gap governments: they crave the connectivity, but can't handle the content uses that inevitably spring up, the most frightening being--of course--sexual in nature.
Like the mathematician's point in "Jurassic Park" (Jeff Goldblum character "Malcolm"): life finds a way.
Globalization is inevitable. It's ain't a choce because being a human isn't a choice and humans choose connectivity over isolation every time.
Full story found at: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8916890/
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