Flying to Philly, missing a Packer preseason game

Dateline: Freebie SWA flights to Chicago and then Philadelphia, 10 August 2005
Spent morning with cabinet guy, making more choices than I ever imagined were necessary for such things, but very happy with the outcome. Building this house is proving to be one of the great creative expressions of our marriage, bigger than anything other than our shared children, faith, and politics.
I am actually missing my preseason Packer game for the second year in a row. Missed it last year for the trip to China, getting a daughter in return. This time I miss it for a hugely important series of business meetings with Enterra Solutions' senior management, hopefully getting something very exciting in return.
Shaping a house around your ideals is great, but shaping a career similarly is even better.
Beyond that, I am looking forward to two days with partners Steffany and Critt. This may be the last time we get together under The New Rule Sets Project LLC name, as we may be fashioning a set of new rules for us all in Philly over the next two days.
Here's the daily catch:
■ The global war on technology theft■ You know you're joining the Core when Ö
■ End NASA's monopoly on the right stuff!
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