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Recovery mode . . .

Dateline: above the garage in Portsmouth RI, 22 April 2005

Let me see . . . Emily, now a teenager . . . Kevin, bit of a Nintendo freak . . . Jerry . . . man can he talk all of a sudden . . . Vonne Mei, getting more beautiful by the minute as that black hair comes in (though we worry on the speech).

Everyone up. Everyone needs to be fed, including pets. Out the door in time for Kev's physical. Take paperback for family doc (just got the box from Putnam--nice).

On way out door I jump into conference call on my cell, putting my kids in the car with Scooby Doo DVD and having them use the headphones. Long talk with Alidade and Alphachimp and my people in NRSP about THE NEW MAP GAME. Attendance looking okay for now, expecting the bulk to register in next 2-3 weeks. But here's something that catches my eye: we already have an embedded reporter of some serious national stature. Hope he can actually make it. Then I hear we have offer from national TV news show to have me on after the game to talk about it. That's pretty stunning since we haven't even sent out a press release. Oh, and a corporate sponsor is steppng up, which is way cool and very validating.

Now I am getting psyched.

Then to Game Stop to trade in about 30 old Gameboy and Nintendo games. Kev's guessing $200+ in credit. I just laugh.

Kev is off by about 20$. I am stunned. We have $225 in credit.

We buy a whole bunch of new ones.

Then I get calls that ADT went off--that damn side door I let Bailey out of in the morning. Either you dead bolt it or the wind can push it slightly ajar.

So we had Portsmouth's finest checking the place out while we were gone.

On way home I pick up the usual stuff to start putting in window AC units (I am waaaaaay behind). That and some other stuff kills the afternoon.

Thank God Vonne already made the spaghetti sauce and even cooked the spag.

We'll watch DVDs tonight and I'll try to get the notes under 40. I want to turn them into Putnam on Monday. Then Mon-Wed I wail on the Esquire piece. Almost all the transcripts are in.

God! Did I forget to ask boxers or briefs?

I hear glass breaking in the kitchen. Better go.

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