Opinion Features:
- "The Anti-Conspiracist's Guide to Revolution in the Arab World" (cut at last minute from publication in Esquire's Middle East edition, May 2012, due to publisher's concerns about it creating an inflammatory regional public reaction)
- "Turkey: Also the Man" (February 2012)
- "When China Ruled the World" (January 2011)
- "Obama's New Map" (March 2009)
- "Nos. 5 Through 9: The Next Five States" for "Esquire's 100" issue (September 2007)
- "The State of the World" (May 2007)
- "No. 042: Egypt: The Country to Watch" for "Esquire's 100" issue (October 2006)
- "The Chinese Are Our Friends" (November 2005)
- "Mr. President, Here's How to Make Sense of Your Second Term, Secure Your Legacy, And, Oh Yeah, Create A Future Worth Living" (February 2005)
- "Mr. President, Here's How to Make Sense of Our Iraq Strategy" (June 2004)
- "The Pentagon's New Map" (March 2003)