Other print articles
- "China-US Grand Strategy Agreement Proposal," Center for America-China Partnership (30 December).
- "Big-War Thinking in a Small-War Era: The Rise of the AirSea Battle Concept," China Security (Issue 18).
- "The Rise of the Global Middle Class," Good (Jan/Feb).
- "Look Out World: You should vote because John McCain and Barack Obama have very different takes on the global mess they'll be inheriting--and what they'd like to do with it,"Good (November/December).
- "The Inevitable Alliance," [in "Debating China" with Li Cheng, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Harry Harding, Cui Liru, John J. Mearsheimer, Joseph S . Nye Jr., Rob Gifford, Mao Yushi, Bates Gill, Tang Shiping, Zhao Tingyang, Robert J. Barnett, David Shambaugh, June Teufel Dreyer, Pan Zhenqiang, Dan Blumenthal, Shi Yinhong, Robert S. Ross, Kenneth Lieberthal, Zha Daojiong, John Hamre and Xiang Lanxin] China Security (Spring).
- "Ten Reasons Why China Matters to You," Good (May/June).
- "Recasting the Long War as a Joint Sino-American Venture," Baker Center Journal of Applied Public Policy (Fall).
- "Managing China's Ascent," U.S. News & World Report (6 August).
- "Die neue Weltkarte des Pentagon," Blatter fur deutsche und internationale Politik (May).
- "Global Transaction Strategy," with Henry H. Gaffney Jr., Military Officer (May).
- "The American Way of War," with Arthur K. Cebrowski, British Army Review (Spring).
- "Top 100 Rules of the New American Way of War," with Henry H. Gaffney Jr., British Army Review (Spring).