Adopting Vonne Mei--the blog
Thirty-two blog posts over several weeks, these posts are organized in their own separate blog, so click on the first in the series below (Test message) and you can navigate your way through the rest in order. Total volume is several thousand words. Multiple pix throughout.
- Test message: we are on our way
- Crossing into our tomorrow
- Arrived in Beijing ok
- First day in Beijing
- All is well . . .
- Recapping our first two days with our university hosts
- Fan of humanity
- Our third and fourth days in Beijing
- Where the emperor stood
- We have Vonne Mei Ling
- Getting to know her
- Vonne and Vonne Mei
- Tom and Vonne Mei
- Vonne Mei
- One man and a baby
- A walk in the mall
- Long day’s journey to Yongfeng
- A day to play catch-up
- On to the White Swan
- Vonne Mei on mat with toys
- A rainy day in Guangzhou town
- Vonne Mei: what are rainy days for?
- China Dossier: The end of days
- My brown-eyed girl
- Our swan song
- Leaving on a jet plane
- The eaglet has landed
- And then there were six . . .
- Twelve checked, while seven carried
- The Temple of Familial Bliss
- I know that face
- Theory of a Peacefully Rising China