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Time's Battleland: SYRIA Obama Cleverly Leading from Behind — Again

The quiet coalition has come together to reverse the decline of the opposition rebel forces in Syria, according to this nice front-pager in Wednesday’s Washington Post.  Much like in the case of Libya, the Obama Administration is hanging back and letting the local “market” determine his military response.  He simply refuses to take the strategic lead, which is frustrating to many and yet decidedly clever on his part.

To me, this is the Obama Doctrine: respond to local demand for U.S. crisis-response services rather than — in typical American fashion — pushing our way to the front of the line, bossing everyone, and then finding ourselves alone on the postwar backside.

 Read the entire post at Time's Battleland blog.

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If a small business wants to grow it must develop other talent within the organization. If a business owner wants to continually do everything themselves they disincentivise employees and do not create a culture of responsibility. They miss out on oppportunities and eventually burn themsleves out. Hopefully we have finally woke up to this reality and will start to demand that others have some blood and treasure in the game.

May 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Jennings

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