Was It Enough? The Endgame for Obama's Health-Care Speech

Jason Reed/Sipa Press via Newscom
Sure, the president confronted the heckling right side of the aisle on Wednesday night, but more so than the American people, it's his own Democrats that needed convincing. A blow-by-blow analysis of the fight left unfinished.
Continue reading this week's World War Room column at Esquire.com.
Reader Comments (3)
Wilson was out of line. I agree with him but cannot condone his outburst.
After getting through about 50 pages of HR 3200 I feel the need for pain meds. I kept reading and got through it.
Agreed...country needs reform in the insurance and healthcare fields. No argument. We all have our horror stories of doctors, hospitals and billing issues.
No one will take the first crucial step and admit one small but important detail....LEGAL REFORM. That has got to happen first before anything else can go forward. Its about the lawyers. Get rid of them and the reform will follow.
HR 3200 just gives the legal industry more excuses for billable hours.To much, to big and spends even more money tha it can save.
Still in early stage of this novel.