Tom's "Why Iran Won't Stop Loving the Bomb" at Esquire.com

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It's one of those pieces where you're tempted to lump in all sorts of additional arguments, but I wanted to get the one simple point across.
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Reader Comments (3)
I think the cultural and historical experience similarities of Iran and India make India a key insight source on how Iran is evolving.
50 years ago when China had its first successful nuclear test, she was a much worse enemy of US, than Iran today. Now the world has a new country called "Chimerica".
China and India had not improved their relationship much until India did it nuclear test in 1997.
Tom, would you like to predict what might be 20 years later between these two countries? A new Chindia?
Most American people have negative feeling about Iran, because we only look back history up to 1979; to most Iranians, what happened in 1953 matter the most.
Very possibly.
My prediction is a Washington-Beijing-New Delhi triad that will dominate this century like the Washington-Euro-Japan one did in the last half of the 20th.