(RESILIENT BLOG) Dependency as Vulnerability Means the Best Cyberdefense is a Wicked Cyberoffense
Monday, December 21, 2015 at 1:07PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett in Resilient blog, cyberwarfare, infrastructure, resilience
NATIONAL SECURITY, AS A BUSINESS DOMAIN, IS DRIVEN BY THE MANTRA OF "BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID. When we're just talking among ourselves, the conversation remains professional. But there's always that temptation to go all apocalyptic when you take those conversations into the public realm. It's the old if you only knew what I know trump-card that any professional has a hard time not using. We can currently blame this dysfunctional dialogue on the media (driven to sensationalism) and the Internet (nutcases galore), but we cannot dismiss the grounded reality at the core of these discussions, which is dependency as vulnerability . . .

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (https://thomaspmbarnett.com/).
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