Globalization and the need for a "second life"
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 10:51AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett in Citation Post, globalization, media

An old friend Hans Suter sends me the link to the New York Review of Books piece by Tim Parks.  In the piece, he argues that globalization is favoring English-language literature in the reading lives of elites within countries (here, I am defining "elites" just as urbanites with access to bookstores and a strong desire to read). That description is probably a disservice to the piece, which presents the usual sort of density of a NYRoB effort (and I use that term in a flattering fashion).  You really just need to read it yourself to enjoy and take from it what you will.  I personally enjoyed it immensely in the way I enjoy such things: not being terribly all that interested in the subject itself but immensely interested in the thoughts the piece triggered in my head (which, when you think of it, is exactly how a literary piece - even analysis - should make you feel).

It reminded me of how much I like the English remake of foreign films (think of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo") but how I still always prefer the originals in every instance.  I don't want a foreign experience translated for me any more than necessary (namely, the subtitles), because I like to immerse myself in the way they present themselves to themselves.  It's like eaves-dropping.  I mean, I've learned more about Iran in two movies, "Children of Heaven" and "Persepolis," than I have in all the non-fiction writing on Iran (to include serious political analysis) that I've ever come across.

So, where the Parks piece took me is this:



Anyway, a very interesting read that took my mind to a lot of places.  I think it might do the same for you.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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