See below for slick fire-them-up video for the community.
Idea began when I read NYT front-pager on how big a criminal network has arisen around banned refrigeration/air-conditioning coolants (what we used to call freon for the most part). Goes back a couple of decades to a global enviro treaty (remember the ozone layer flap?), and I remember thinking back then, "Wow, someday this stuff is going to be smuggled just like pot!" Well, it certainly is today.
So that got me thinking: if we jump ahead to 2050, what surprising things might be smuggle-able in that time frame? You know, besides Soylent Green.
Should be a fun one, and if this sort of thing intrigues, you should consider joining the community.
2012 has been the big train-up for 2013, when the client load is going to bulge in a big, big way. So it's a good time to get in on the ground floor. That way you can say you joined before the thing went crazy big.
It's fun to be part of a revolution.