Did the interview in local PBS studio back on the 6th during snowstorm. Was told by host Guy Raz that I would be mixed in with Gideon "Zerosum" Rachman of FT and Jim Fallows of Atlantic. Latter apparently didn't happen, because the 11 mins is just Rachman and I.Guy Raz
Here's the excerpt from the site text on the segment, which is labeled, "The U.S. And China: Rivals That May Need Each Other":
Chinese President Hu Jintao's scheduled visit to the White House this week comes at critical moment in U.S.-China relations.
America has entered a new year with a rising national debt and deficit projections. Meanwhile, China continues its ascent as a global economic player. In the years to come, an economically bruised U.S. may have to share the superpower spotlight with the competition.
Still, former Pentagon strategist Thomas P.M. Barnett tells NPR's Guy Raz, American hype over China's rise is overblown, while foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman predicts that China-U.S. relations will get "bumpier" over the next few years . . .
Overblown China Hype
Yet Barnett, chief analyst at Wikistrat and contributing editor for Esquire magazine, cautions that Americans' concern over China's rise is "really out of control."
"It's very similar to the way the British looked at us, say, around the turn of the century," Barnett says. "They imagined we could have bought and sold them. The Chinese couldn't do the same with us. Their economy is still a fraction of ours."
That economy may be growing, but it will still be decades before China's people reach an economic status equal to Americans, he says.
Thus, a cooperative U.S.-China relationship is not only a good idea, Barnett says, but it's also "absolutely essential when you consider a global middle class aspiring to a lifestyle that the planet cannot sustain if we use old resource models."
The end of America's status as the world's sole super power wouldn't be a bad thing, either, Barnett argues. Part of the American contribution after World War II was establishing a global economic system that allowed great powers to rise without instigating a war.
"We've created the system for these people to rise, and now we seem uncomfortable with the fact that we're not going to be the sole pole anymore in the system," Barnett says. "And we don't seem to know how to ask for anybody else's help."
Our challenge with China, he says, isn't about competition. "Our biggest problem with them is getting them to come up to the level of responsibility that their networks and their influence around the world actually demands from them."
"We need that help," Barnett says, "because based on our own efforts, we can only do an Iraq and an Afghanistan — and not much else."
Go here for the audio and "story."
Tomorrow or Thursday: Jim Fallow's various posted responses to the segment.