More pix of the girls at WACAP house in Addis Ababa
Monday, August 9, 2010 at 11:12AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett in What's Tom Up To?, adoption

Vonne and her mom (Nona Vonne) are a scant 10 days from leaving for Ethiopia, and we are but 18 days from welcoming the girls (much work to be done on the new "girls room" for Vonne Mei, Metsewat and Abebu).  Our eldest, Emily, is in the process of packing up for college and yielding her "biggest bedroom" for the cause.

Just got some more photos of the girls by parents currently in Addis.  Clipped them down to remove any other kids from the frame.

First is Abbie [our nickname going forward for Abebu]:

Her hair seems to be coming in nicely.

Next is Metsue [our nickname going forward for Metsewat]:



Then the pair of them:

The main reason why I'm chilling on the blog this month is all the stuff we need to get ready for the girls' arrival on the 28th.  We are a home in tremendous transition.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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