Spend to save
Friday, September 4, 2009 at 12:24AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

THE OUTLOOK: "Asian Nations Revisit Safety Net in Effort to Bolster Spending," by Patrick Barta, Wall Street Journal, 27 July 2009.

Important positive sign on the rebalancing-the-global-economy front.

This piece says the OECD standard for social expenditures is only 20% (not 25% as recorded elsewhere recently). China is listed at under 5%. The savings rate in China is a bit over 50% of income, and a primary cause is that only 30% of Chinese elders get a pension and only 20% of the unemployed get benefits, so you hedge against hard times if you're Chinese.

So China is pledging medical coverage to 90% of its 1.3B within three years.

But don't expect any huge plus-up in consumption to occur in the near term. These things take time.

Still, the direction is what matters, not the degree, and it's good.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (https://thomaspmbarnett.com/).
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