Tom around the web
Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 1:13PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

+ Have you checked our GP on Google Books lately? They have a Wordle-type 'Common terms and phrases' illustration:


+ Thoughts on Everything under the Sun or I am a guilty Secularist posted the Map (via Bezoar).
+ culture unplugged is serving the TED video (which I found via AOL Video UK).
+ Internet Anthropologist Think Tank linked Sullivan's superior takedown.
+ quoted Tom on the Boomers.
+ Obiter Dictum linked Tiller as preview of radical right attempts to pre-emptively sanction Obama's assassination.
+ We the People Politics misapplied Tom's quote about allies to Israel.

+ Kris Lane linked The greatest analyst of Marxism who ever lived.
+ Artphile linked Susan A. Barnett/Fine Art Photographer.
+ Raul Moreno assigned 'Six Ways to Cool Down Over the Climate-Change Security Scare' to his composition class.
+ Off the Map quoted Tom on empowering women.
+ Looks like Tom's going to be appearing at the Kellogg School of Management.
+ Coming Anarchy linked Pining for the days when China was our foe.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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