The deepest portion of the Gap, the Eastern Congo, still burns
Friday, September 18, 2009 at 12:43AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

AFRICA: "War's Long, Lethal Shadow: Millions have been killed in eastern Congo from fighting or fleeing in the unforgivable jungle," by Stephanie McCrummen, Washington Post National Weekly Edition, 10-16 August 2009.

AFRICA: "Women as Spoils of War: In Congo, a rape epidemic worsens as troops inflict sexual violence on villagers," by Stephanie McCrummen, Washington Post National Weekly Edition< 10-16 August 2009.

An update on an old story: about 5 million dead in the greater Congolese conflict (eastern half + Burundi + Rwanda) going back a decade, the largest cumulative death toll since WWII. Most are killed not by bullets but by disease they contract once put on the run in the unforgiving jungle. But have no doubt, those warring know exactly what they're doing.

The conflict surges now as half a million are put into flight thanks to a Congolese offensive against Rwandan rebels. The Congolese are backed by the UN, so understand this: when you intervene, no matter who you are, locals die as a result. Hopefully less die, but there is no such thing as the "clean" or "good" intervention that only has positive impact. It's all about reducing the negative impact over time.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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