The Indian insurgency of note: moderately effective
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 11:51PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

ASIA: "India's Naxalites: A ragtag rebellion; There are not enough brave politicians, honest officials and well-trained police to fight India's Maoist insurretion," The Economist, 27 June 2009.

Stunning map that shows range of "highly affected," "moderately affected," and "marginally affected" portions of eastern India, when it comes to the Maoist insurrection of the Naxalites.

Eyeball measurement says we're talking about a little bit more than a quarter of the country.

That's a big frontier, and I call it as such because insurrections and insurgents don't happen in the settled areas--by definition.

The picture says it all: guys with guns and their women, living in the forest, doing their thing.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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