Tom around the web
Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 1:53PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

HG's WORLD linked Yes, the world is more peaceful, and why and Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis.

+ BrothersJudd blog linked Obama Targets Jack Bauer, but Who Takes the Fall?
+ Ethiopian Review reprinted it.

+ Naval Open Source Intelligence linked The Evolution of the U.S. Military.
+ The Image talked about the Gap and 2GW.
+ Filipino Voices quoted an old piece on the Gap and PNM.
+ ICT Samurai mentioned the SysAdmin.
+ ANF NEWS AGENCY said something about Tom and PNM in Turkish.
+ Barbells and Bacon linked the Canada 2020 video.
+ bad juju linked the TED video.
+ Surchur/NATO linked Network NATO.
+ Let's Go Down to Mexico talked about the US as the source code of globalization.
+ Jutta Schmitt really got after Tom citing the PNM book and article.

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