Hispanics in America: not automatically Papists
Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 12:28AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

UNITED STATES: "Latinos and religion: Separated brothers; Latinos are changing the nature of American religion," The Economist, 18 July 2009.

Hispanics (68% Catholic) going evangelical Christian in large numbers (15%). A religion prof says about 4m Latino Catholics have converted, and most stick with it, meaning "for every one who comes back to the Catholic church, four leave it."

Gaston Espinosa's argument: Latino leadership among the Evangelicals beats the old-timey Irish and Polish Catholic priests in terms of personal connection, plus Latinos are more used to livelier masses.

But with 1/3 of Catholics in America, expect the RC church here to adapt.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (https://thomaspmbarnett.com/).
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