SUNDAY OPINION: "The Obama Haters' Silent Enablers," by Frank Rich, New York Times, 14 June 2009.
I think what Rich is doing here is sounding the alarm on what may inevitably be attempted vis-à-vis the President.
Remember: before Oswald got Kennedy, the climate was clearly encouraged by all manner of right-wing groups.
Remember: as Rich notes, how McCain had to step forward and chill his own supporters when they'd yell out "traitor" and "terrorist" when Obama's name was invoked.
As a rule, I find Rich hard to take, but not here. I think he's doing a very good thing.
I don't want to wait until the attempts are made to denounce this sort of stuff, like John Voigt's creepy public call to end the run of this "false prophet" or Glenn Becks' persistent comparisons of Obama to Hitler over abortion.