Kim's latest criminal enterprise
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 12:47AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

NATIONAL WEEKLY EDITION: "North Korea's Questionable Claims: A defector outlines global insurance fraud that finances Kim Jong Il's regime," by Blaine Harden, Washington Post, 29 June-12 June 2009 {guess it's the biweekly edition now}.

Description of a global insurance fraud scheme that is a major source of hard currency for the regime:

In interviews and court documents, Western insurers, U.S. officials and defectors such as Kim [Kwang Jin, who was manager for Korea National Insurance Corp.] said the impoverished government has collected hundreds of millions of dollars from some of the world's largest insurance companies on large and suspicious claims for transportation accidents, factory fires, flood damage and other alleged disasters.

Why no press? Insurance companies hate admitting they've been defrauded.

Old party of the story, covered in this blog over the years: the infamous Bureau 39 runs the show.

See last mention: Good summary piece on Kim Jong Il's "Sopranos State".

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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