Tom around the web
Monday, July 13, 2009 at 2:06PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

Finally caught up :-)

+ All Along The Watchtower linked From Too Many to Too Few, Demographic Fears Exaggerated.
+ HG's WORLD linked Happy Independence Day.
+ War Is Boring notes Tom's call for Sino-American cooperation.
+ Kevin Drum says Tom advocates a 'world where all the big players gang up to police the world'.
+ g m g D e s i g n . c o m linked Complete Doha instead of focusing on a big push of aid for Africa.
+ Sublime Oblivion groups Tom with the Western Russophiles.
+ My Daily Clarity links Tom with Kilcullen.
+ HG's WORLD linked What the Hell Is Really Going Down in Honduras?
+ So did zenpundit.
+ Smitten Eagle, in a long post, faults Tom for using tactics to drive grand strategy.

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