Tom around the web
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 1:11PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

+ Anthony Clark Arend embedded the TED video
+ So did Wally Carter.
+ So did Libertas and Latte.
+ dsawyer linked it.
+ Webster Tarpley Blog embedded the NDU PNM video.

+ zenpundit linked Neocons are Alive and Kicking.
+ And linked This is where China joins the solution set on Afghanistan.
+ HG's WORLD linked Imagine that: home-grown mass murders in America! and A familiar flight and--thankfully--a familiar ending.
+ Leigh Drogen linked Soft border solution for AfPak.
+ And linked We're living with our choices around Iran.
+ Nick Ottens analyzed Neocons are Alive and Kicking.

+ PoliticalSeason tweeted Pressure Kim and make him China's problem.
+ TI 702 Geography and Geographing is reading the PNM article.
+ Greg R. Lawson linked Don't follow Palin on climate change.
+ Larry Dunbar linked Reminder: we're not there for the oil.
+ WhatEverDude quoted 'The Matrix meets Ferngully'.
+ Quality Leadership Weblog reprinted 'You say protocols, I say rule sets'.
+ KatPol Blog re-linked their interview with Tom.
+ Morgan says 'Gates Proposes $2 Billion in Funds to Aid Unstable Countries' sounds like what Tom has been proposing.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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