Tom around the web
Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 1:21PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

+ Darren.Allison linked 10 Reasons Why Sanctions on Iran Won't Work.
+ So did The New Nixon.
+ So did HG's WORLD.
+ For Your Situational Awareness linked For a New Economic Era, We Need New Allies.

+ Evgeny Morozov linked Let a trillion connections bloom, though not really in the way I intended with that headline.
+ Crippled Politics How about we work the actionable problems?
+ SCHotline Blog mentioned Tom.
+ Native embedded the TED talk
+ Off the Map linked More ham-handed Chinese net mismanagement.
+ Super Punch linked Not all missile defense is created equal.
+ Critt Jarvis linked Que est√∫pido!
+ And linked The place for USAID.

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