OP-ED: China's North Korea conundrum: How to balance a three-legged stool, By Jonathan D. Pollack, Daily Star, October 27, 2009
A quote:
Officials in Beijing no longer mask their frustrations with North Korea, especially after North Korea's defiance in twice undertaking nuclear tests. The second nuclear detonation occurred less than 100 kilometers from the Chinese border and Pyongyang has disavowed all previously negotiated restraints on its nuclear development. Confronted by the North's egregious misconduct, Beijing has pursued a two-sided approach. It participated fully in UN Security Council deliberations, endorsed the sanctions imposed by the Security Council in mid-June, and is collaborating with the United States and others to implement the sanctions regime. At the same time, China's leaders have permitted harsh criticisms of North Korea in authoritative journals and newspapers that would have been unimaginable in the past. Chinese analysts now write contemptuously of the North and of how its actions have threatened Chinese interests. Some senior officials have also voiced severe, if private, criticisms. By characterizing North Korea as an increasing liability to China, Beijing has sought to deny Pyongyang any political or strategic advantage from its nuclear actions. Though this harsh assessment does not dominate official policy, there seems no doubt of its increased legitimacy and prominence in Chinese internal debate.
As always, everything will proceed on China's schedule, but this tracks with everything I've heard in Beijing and Shanghai--off the record, of course.
(Via WPR Media Roundup)