Indonesia: continuing to impress
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 12:27AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

SPECIAL REPORT: "A golden chance: A special report on Indonesia," by Simon Long, The Economist, 12 September 2009.

Indonesia, we are told, has an image problem--as in, we only get news about it when bad things happen.

Long cites four big reasons for optimism, other than the stuff I've often cited about the place and its president, Yudhoyono:

1) the demographic sweet spot is coming (mostly workers, few kids and elders) and will last a good while.

2) recent gov fiscal restraint means more money available to work infrastructure bottlenecks

3) Yudhoyono's re-election gives him a good mandate on further reforms

4) the place is enjoying some widespread political stability.

Later article in report says "Muslims in Indonesia may be becoming more pious, but not necessarily more extreme."

"Chindonesia" is a term to describe the growing economic ties, meaning everything from the resource draw to waves of Chinese tourists.

Where Indonesia stays weak: it has not grown its inward foreign direct investment flow--just a bit too hard still to do biz there.

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (
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