WORLD NEWS: "U.S. Knew About Site For Years," by Siobhan Gorman, Wall Street Journal, 26-27 September 2009.
There are very few secrets left in this world, but never any shortage of revelations!
Major spy services have been interested in the Qom site for years, and as we know, anything the West knows, the East ends up knowing too.
So if we knew, they knew, the Israelis knew, and--by extension--the rest of the Big Five knew, for whom was this a revelation?
Why, the approving or disapproving public, of course.
There is a lot of PR going on with this whole dynamic, and it impresses me as little as the diplomacy. It's like the entire world needs to wrap its head around the reality that Iran's getting nukes and there's next to nothing that can be done about it, except for delaying it--possibly--for a bit with air strikes.
So we're moving through the anger and denial and heading toward the real bargaining and acceptance. Helen Kubler-Ross would be proud.