More links resulting from the Esquire article on Fallon:
+ Daily Dreamtime, Snuffysmith's Blog and Juan Cole all reprinted a piece by William R. Polk
+ Michael Barone
+ Pajamas Media
+ Las Vegas Sun
+ Phillip Carter
+ Mary Ellen O'Connell
+ The Current (CBC Radio)
+ Rational Left
+ zenpundit
+ America: the National Catholic Weekly
+ Helen Thomas (famous White House Press Corps newswoman)
+ [My] State Failure Blog
+ Left in Alabama
+ OpEdNews linked the the Conversations with History video on Google.
+ WeckUpToThees! is worried about all the men in China (but mentions Tom as someone who says 'relax').
+ Kindred Winecoff linked Arguing from different worlds.
+ Asia Logistics Wrap wrote about Development-in-a-Box.
+ HG's WORLD linked last week's column.
+ Looks like ITE 130 is watching the TED video again.
+ Ryan Erwin linked the TED video.
+ Draconian Observations linked The Map and wrote about the Core and Gap.
+ Red Telephone linked And so it begins ...