Lunching with the loggies
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 3:27AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

Flew Monday afternoon on NWA through Detroit to Harrisburg PA. Windy and turbulent as all get-out on both flights. Upgrade to free liquor on the second leg helped

They try to make me go to rehab and I say, no! no! no!

You get a few days with no flights and you lose your stomach for all that excitement.

Picked up at airport by nice lieutenant and driven to Wyndam. Decent room and I settle in for a night of work (catching up on huge pile of clipped articles), keeping an eye on the Colts and Titans. I went to the preseason Titan game at Lambeau and wasn't that impressed. Since the combined record of the teams they've beaten so far is way below .500 and since I saw the Colts do to them stuff we did in August and because we handled the Colts so thoroughly, I am fairly optimistic on the Pack's chances in Nashville next week. Since the Titans are still unbeaten, they're ripe to fall and you always welcome the MNF curse. If I wasn't working Great Powers one last time this weekend, I would consider a mad dash.

Up yesterday morning and worked the WSJ map into the brief and then was driven over the Naval facility where I spoke to about 50 officers for 75 minutes with 30 Q&A. Then lunch with a trio, including one who's got the cabin in Bar Harbor ME that I dream about, along with the several boats I want. I told him he was living my life and I'd like it back!

Good interaction. Been a while on the brief (since beginning of month), so great to re-engage. Loggies are always such a smart bunch to work with--very connected on economic reality.

Then driven to Harrisburg and begin the journey home, which drags on until about 10, but I listen to music and keep blogging.

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