+ Wilsonizer is reading PNM on Hugh's recommendation.
+ gringoman, a frequent commenter here, linked the weblog in a recent post.
+ Garrick Van Buren linked Talking surge on WAPO radio.
+ So did Right Talk.
+ Just as some of y'all took exception with Tom's assertion that he will lose his ability as a grand strategist as he ages in Strategic Alzheimer's--coming to a grand strategist near me!, so did A Midwest Journal.
+ Indistinct Union linked The New Iraq Strategy.
+ God is a Beer Drinker linked 6 reasons not to worry about all those Chinese men.
+ Valley of the Shadow gives Tom credit for Bush's Iraq plan being part of a 'Long Game'.
+ Badgers Forward, written by 'An Army Officer in Iraq commanding an Engineer Company', recommends reading Tom's books.
+ The Glittering Eye linked The SysAdmin has been in Iraq for a long time, now comes the belated attempt at Development in a Box.
+ So did Outside the Beltway.
+ TKS on National Review Online linked Hugh's first full interview with Tom.
+ So did NonParty Politics.