Tom around the web this week
Sunday, May 28, 2006 at 2:10PM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

+ The most linked post this week was Dangers of the blogosphere dialogue. Really struck a chord with a lot of people, including:

+ In Neo-Medievalism II Chirol does more mapping with reference to the Gap and the Core, but this time, in the Middle Ages.

+ Larry Kudlow has had Tom on his radio and television shows a number of times. He says Tom is 'brilliant' and called the weblog 'wonderful'. He references Tom in this post, which ultimately led to a sidebar link exchange.

+ Critt Jarvis, who originally 'pestered' Tom into starting a weblog and went on to webmaster and partner with him, has a new project: building a big, important game where people can try out ideas and get inspired to do something. It's called Connecting in Conversation. Here's a taste (from this post):

In the context of Connecting in Conversation, the minimum unit of culture is the BCU — Basic Culture Unit. A BCU comprises Security, Rule Sets, Money, Infrastructure, and Resources. The nexus of these aspects provides a container for the way we organize ourselves. We recognize containers as the villages, town, and cities we live in. The aggregate of the places we live may be called a nation-state, or region.

+ Nicholas M. Guariglia has a nice essay which draws heavily on Tom: Thinking Horizontally (Getting Away From Obsolete Logic).

+ Generation Watch (taking major cues from Strauss and Howe) refers to Tom a couple of times as a younger thinker who understands today's complex dynamics and is still optimistic.

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