Listening to "On Point" appearance
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 at 7:54AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

Pretty decent show, although a lot of arguing past one another. Didn't feel like I moved any piles, but didn't feel like I embarrassed myself either. Odom knows what he knows from the Cold War and Vietnam, and he won't move off that dime under any circumstances, just like that entire generation of Kissingerians. They are what they are.

Got them to mention both PNM and BFA and pushed Enterra position, but they prefer "former Naval War College" tag. They always reach for the "former" title, and I have to live with that. Problem on pushing Enterra tie here is lack of credentialing in that name for the subject at hand.

Listen to the show via this site (via Windows or Real).

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