Email came in this morning looking for someone to pair up with retired General William Odom, former head of National Security Agency and regular talking head on TV. He's been calling for a rapid pull-out of U.S. troops in Iraq for quite some time.
Here's the "On Point" blurb at their site
The Iraq Pullout Question
Aired: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10-11AM ETThe draft of the Iraq constitution faced another midnight deadline last night, and yeserday afternoon President Bush delivered a speech in Salt Lake City identifying Iraq as the frontline on the War on Terror.
Hear a conversation about what a Constitution will mean for the stability of that country, what it means for the President's domestic standing, and whether it's time for a pullout of American troops in Iraq.
∑ William Odom, retired General and former Director of the National Security Agency
∑ Ambassador Feisal al-Istrabadi, Iraq's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations
I am the late addition, or the talking head to be named later (apparently at the last minute!)