Ask Tom
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 at 9:29AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

About this Newsletter

The Newsletter from Thomas P.M. Barnett comprises original material by Tom, commentary from his blog, Esquire contributions, and published books, as well as feedback received via email. It is written and published by request only, based on your feedback.

Ask Tom

You've read The Pentagon's New Map, Tom's blog, or perhaps a published article. You've seen him do the brief - in person, on CSPAN, or DVD. What happens next?

You've got questions.

Suppose, for instance, you have the following question, 'Tom, should we be concerned with China as a hegemonious power in Asia?' You can submit the question to:

The questions and suggestions you submit to Ask Tom drive the publication of this newsletter. Please know that Tom reads each email. Additionally, members of The New Rule Sets Project, LLC assist Tom, per his request. One or more of us will personally respond to your email. The submissions we find most useful to the general understanding of The Pentagon's New Map will be published in future issues of The Newsletter from Thomas P.M. Barnett.

As always, your feedback is appreciated.

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