Tightening some screws on Kim
Monday, February 14, 2005 at 11:25AM
Thomas P.M. Barnett

Dateline: above the garage in Portsmouth RI, 14 February 2005

Good article in NYT ("U.S. Is Shaping Plan to Pressure North Koreans," By DAVID E. SANGER, 14 Feb 05, pulled off web).

Here are the opening paras:

In the months before North Korea announced that it possessed nuclear weapons, the Bush administration began developing new strategies to choke off its few remaining sources of income, based on techniques in use against Al Qaeda, intelligence officials and policy makers involved in the planning say.

The initial steps are contained in a classified "tool kit" of techniques to pressure North Korea that has been refined in recent weeks by the National Security Council. The new strategies would intensify and coordinate efforts to track and freeze financial transactions that officials say enable the government of Kim Jong Il to profit from counterfeiting, drug trafficking and the sale of missile and other weapons technology.

China lining up, saying harshest things yet about Kim. Japan getting tough with effective reverse-blockade of North Korean ships.

The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad is coming together.

And they said I was crazy!

Article originally appeared on Thomas P.M. Barnett (https://thomaspmbarnett.com/).
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